Chapter 1

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2 years from now

"Let me go" I scream, I look at Draco longingly

"How could you do this to me?" I cry

"Because he cares nothing for you!" Bellatrix shouts

"It's lies, I do. I do care about you!" Draco screams, struggling as he is tied up with ropes.

"Who cares!" Bellatrix shouts, she stares at me devilishly

"Crucio!" She shouts. Then I burst into complete agony, I cry out.

"Stop!" I weep

"STOP!" Draco screams

"shut it your ungrateful shrine!" Bella yells

"say night, to little miss Potter here," she says staring at Draco

"Avada Kedavra".


Chapter 1

Present Day

"And You're sure that you have everything," My mother says concerned as she helps shut an enormous and very full suitcase. My family moved from Australia to London so I can transfer to the famous school, Hogwarts.

"Yes mum, I'm sure", I roll my eyes smirking.

Ring, Ring

"That'll be him" I squeal, grabbing my bag and racing down the stairs. I swing open the door to see Harry standing there, arms open for a hug, so I squeeze him tight, suffocating him.

"Hey Potter, how are you doing?" My father greets Harry shaking his hand.

"Great thanks sir- "I cut Harry off

"Alrighty then, let's go". Exited I yank my bag, and slam the door saying goodbye.

"Don't forget to send owls!" Mum yells just as I shut the door.

"What's the rush Mali? Harry asks

"No rush, just really excited!" Harry is taking me shopping, to get school supplies for the new year.

We rock up in the middle of nowhere, standing in front of a very large brick wall.

"Uh, where are we?" I questioned as I look around, seeing nothing but trees and a dirt road. Harry smirks at me, then gives his wand a little wave and in a flash the wall disappears, leading us into a crowded town with shops filled with witches and wizards.

"Welcome to Diagon alley!" Harry projects. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the middle of it all.

"Harry this is crazy!" I say smiling. I turned to see two people bickering loudly at each other.

"Get that ghastly smelling rat away from me Ron!" I hear. Harry just laughs.

"And those would be my friends, let's go meet them why don't we." We walk down to join a red-headed boy, a petite brown-headed girl and another ginger headed girl.

"Guys, this is my cousin I was telling you about"

"Hi, I'm Ron, Ron Weasley," he says holding his hand out

"Hello, I'm Mali," I say shaking his hand.

"Blimey Harry, you were right about the Australian thing," he said referring to my accent.

"Ron, cut it out. Sorry about that, I'm Hermione Granger" I smile shaking her hand

"Lovely to meet you" I smile.

"And I'm Ginny Weasley, Ron's brother." Ron turns to look behind me.

"watch out guys, righteous git coming our way" Ron mumbles with a heavy frown planted on his face. I turn around to see a blonde headed boy with glorious grey eyes walking down the pathway, staring holes through Harry's eyes, then taking his eyes of harry he quickly glares at me, sending butterflies into my stomach. Walking behind him were two boys, giving people a deathly stare as they walked past.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Hermione.

"That's Draco Malfoy with his two goons Crabbe And Goyle. Better watch out for him" Hermione mumbles to me.

We spent a few hours of the day gathering school supplies, all I need now is an owl. I chose this beautiful black owl with a white diamond imprinted on its forehead. Later that day we scurried off to the train station to huddle onto the Hogwarts Express.

"So, we have to go through this wall," I say confused

"Yeah pretty much" Reply's Ron. Behind Ron stood to identical twins named Fred and George, they are quite a pair those two. Hermione, Ginny and the twin brothers had just run through the wall. Ron and Harry wait for me, then we all go through, turning up in a strange crowded station with people scattered everywhere. Ron, Harry and I found the others in a private carriage. The rest of the way we spoke of people we should avoid at school. The one name that seemed to drag my attention was the name, Draco Malfoy.

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