Chapter 6

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With cuts all over my body I make my way to the classroom, before opening the door I put my hood over my head to try and disguise my injuries. I step through the door and walk over and fall in my seat. Snape rushes out of the room and locks everything. I look out the window, so Draco won't see my face. He gets up and goes over to try and open the door. I feel so dizzy, my head starts spinning crazy. I stand up and look over to Draco, my eyes start to get really blurry, my hood slips off my head to reveal my face and neck. Draco turns around to see me. Quickly he rushes over and just as he does my legs give up and I drop to the floor. Luckily, he catches me. Holding my waist, he kneels down, he rests my head in his lap, my eyes barely open. He looks down to my stomach. Draco rips open my shirt to find blood pouring out of a hole in my stomach. He takes off his robe, scrunches it up and holds it against my stomach to stop the bleeding.

"W-what happened, you're going to be o-okay," Draco says panicking

"Draco- ". I softly and desperately say before I pass out on him.

"HELP! Someone", he exclaims as snape bursts in to find me.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing" I hear, I weakly open my eyes to see Ron, Hermione and Harry.

"There's nothing we can do right now besides letting her rest; she has lost a lot of blood" Miss Pomfrey states.

"You think you guys could turn down the noise level a bit I'm trying to sleep" I mumble while smirking.

"Oh, thank god you're awake I was getting so worried," Hermione says as she hugs me. I look down at my stomach to see that my cut was gone, it was just a healed scar, the same with my lips and neck.

"Miss Pomfrey healed that," Harry says

"What do you remember last" Ron asks

"Well, I was leaving the bathroom after wiping away as much blood as possible and then I was heading to detention but everything after that is a blur," I tell everyone, but I lied. I remembered everything but I couldn't mention Malfoy because even though he saved me, the others wouldn't want me anywhere near him. They hate him.

"Well don't worry you're going to be okay now," Harry says rubbing my arm to comfort me.

After that, I was permitted to go back to my dorm. As we walk down the hallway, I turn to look at the clock as it read '12:43 Pm'. I stopped and remembered about Harry's tournament.

"Holy Merlin! I completely forgot about your tournament Harry; I should've been there!" I project

"Well I think almost dying gives you a free pass" He laughs, linking my arm with his.

"So" I question

"So?" He replies back

"How did it go?"

"Well, I defeated the dragon and got to the egg"

"That's amazing Harry!" I shout

"And he was a natural at it" Hermione mentions.

"Yeah but one more minute in there you would've been gobbled up by that sweet little teddy bear" Ron adds, we all burst into laughter.

Night-time hit and I hadn't seen one glimpse of Draco, not even for Dinner. Later that night in Hermione and mines room, I lay on my bed thinking about Draco, and even though we were in a rough patch he still saved me, and I was so grateful. As Hermione is in the bathroom brushing her teeth an owl flew into the room and dropped a letter.

"You okay? You gave me a real scare today. I would've come to see you, but your friends were in with you. How are you feeling? – Draco" my cheeks began to blush. Quickly I pulled out my quill and a piece of paper and started writing.

"I'm okay, just a little misunderstanding with some girls that's all. Thank you for saving me today, like really, thank you. Oh, and nice thinking using your robe to stop me from bleeding out. Are you going to get a new one? – Mali" I placed my quill down and was about to send the letter until Hermione said for me to brush my teeth, without thinking I left the letter on my bed beside Draco's letter. As I stand in the bathroom Hermione notices the letters and decides to have a look.

"What the hell, why would she be sending owls with Draco" Hermione whispers to herself. She rushes back over to her bed and acts as nothing happened.

Taking a seat back on my bed I fold up the letter and give it to the owl.

"Who's the letter for," Hermione asks curiously

"Just my parents" I lie, Hermione looks at me unconvinced. Not long later as Hermione is in bed asleep the owl flies back and drops the letter on the bed.

"You're welcome for saving you. But do you really think I believe that it was just

'a little misunderstanding' with some random girls? I know it was Pansy and I will for sure deal with her, but I need to know this stuff or how else do you expect me to save you next time if I don't know what I need to save you from. And yes, I already got a new robe, it's all fresh and clean. I have to go but I'll see you some other time Potter. -Draco", smiling I put the letter down and went to sleep. 

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