Chapter 10

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(A/N, I don't even know if anyone is actually reading this but if you are, just comment if you want another chapter after this one.)

As morning came, Hermione and I made our way to the hall for breakfast.

"Where did you get that ring," Ron asks from across the table, as I quickly hide my hand.

"A friend gave it to me, to honour our friendship," I say as my voice trembles. Everyone knows about Draco's ring and the fact that he never takes it off, I look up to see Draco smirking at me. Hermione drags everyone's attention away.

"Look, Cedric is looking at you", I turn to see Cedric smiling at me as well, then I realised half of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor table were looking at me. Cedric moves over a little and pats the seat, Hermione nudges me to go sit with him. So, I stand up and take a seat next to him.

"Hey there, you hungry," He asks, as he passes me a piece of halloumi. I smile

"aww, you remembered" I, say, as I rest my head on Cedric's shoulder. Cedric puts his arm around me and smiles.

"Remembered what?" Cedric's friend asks

"It's quite odd, but halloumi is one of my favourite foods" I giggle and so does the rest of the table. I pull Hermione, Ron and Harry over to sit with me and the other Hufflepuff's. As we all get into a conversation, I see in the corner of my eye Draco giving me an angry look and I don't know why.

My next class is on potions. Me and Draco's detentions had stopped around a week ago now, so the only time I would see Draco and be able to talk to him, is in potions class. Walking in the door I see Draco slumped in his chair at the back of the classroom. I take my books out and place them onto the desk, Draco stares at me but not in a nice way more in a deadly way

"Okay, what's going on" I whisper

"Nothing, I'm fine" He spits back

"You're not fine" He cuts me off

"Hey, you're still wearing my ring" He smiles

"Of course," I reply

"Let's just get on with the class" He smiles sitting back up straight.

During class we made 'Living Death' just like at the start of the year when Draco and I first met, we desperately wanted the 'Liquid Luck' but we came in second place. As we were leaving the classroom for lunch, Draco and I were laughing about the way Professor Snape talks. Opening the door Cedric stood there waiting for me.

"Hey, ready to go?" He asks.

By the time I turned around, Draco had vanished.

"Of course," I reply as I hold Cedric's hand and we walk off Hogsmeade.

The date was fantastic. We talked about everything and it felt amazing to talk to him about it all, but in a way, I felt it would be better if we were just friends. I tried so hard to like him as more than a friend, but deep down I knew exactly why we couldn't be together, no matter how much I hated to admit it. I had feelings for Draco.

Anyway, I kept catching him gazing at Cho Chang, that was sitting in a booth doing homework alone and I knew he didn't like me that way as well. So, we talked about the fact that we should be friends, and we both agreed on staying close because I didn't want to lose the connection that Cedric and I had. Before we left, I stood up and talked to Cho, she looked at Cedric and smiled, he did the same back. I gave Cedric a hug, fixed his hair and then dragged him over to sit with Cho. I was happy I got them together, they would've been lost without me. As I left the bar, I look to my left to see Draco looking through the window.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He quickly stands up to face me

"Um, I was uh..." He stumbles on his words

"Were you spying on me?" I smile

"No! That's absurd," He says affirmatively

" So, you have fun with your perfect little boyfriend ?" He asks angry, arms crossed

"Actually, he's not my boyfriend, we decided to stay friends," I say arms crossed as well

He looks surprised but happy. He's so confusing!  As we walked our hands would brush against each other every so often, and I so desperately wanted to hold his hand. Walking across the bridge we talked about potions class, and we noticed there was no one around.

His hand crosses into mine, softly his hand drags down my arm then he slides his fingers into mine. We held hands all the way back to the castle, then he quickly pulls away.

"You're growing on me Potter," he says kissing my cheek and walking away.

My cheeks blushing and my stomach swarmed with butterflies. Maybe Draco and I could be together, there was a chance!

"So how was your date?" I hear from behind me, whipping around I see Hermione standing straight, arms crossed.

"Great?" I smile. This is just great! She thought that Cedric and I would be great together. I have no idea what I'm meant to say to her.

"Mali! What happened to Cedric?" She says walking up to me

"Well, we've both decided to stay close friends, anyway he's interested in Cho Chang"

"And why did you want to be friends," She asks. I know she's waiting for me to admit the one thing I don't want to admit.

"Because I just wanted to be" I respond, looking to the floor

"Mali, I know you don't want to admit it but I'm here for you, always!" Hermione grabs my hand and wraps it around her arm.

"Come on, just tell me"

"I have feelings for him. I have feelings for Draco" I mumble, she smiles.

"Now, doesn't it feel good to get it out"

"Maybe" I laugh. We link arms and head back to our Dormitory. 

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