Chapter 9

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We twiddled our thumbs as the tournament was in a few hours. We sat in the common room of our dormitory.

"This piece of Gilliweed will hold up to an hour of time under water" Neville says, passing Harry the Gilliweed.

"Don't worry Harry, you're going to get through this" Hermione comforts Harry.

We hear a knock on the door, Ron walks over to answer it.


"Excuse me". We all turn around to find the librarian standing up straight at the door.

"Miss Granger, and Miss Potter, you're being summoned to Miss McGonigal's office" She states. We left the room and Hermione and I leave to head there straight away.

As we arrived, we noticed two others sitting on the chairs, just as confused as we were.

Cho Chang and Fleur Delacour's little Sister. Miss McGonagall pulls out her wand a walk up to us, "I'm sorry to do this". Everything went Black.

Wet. Cold. I can barely open my eyes. I can barely even breath, then I notice, I'm surrounded by water. Everything goes black again.

I gasp, taking a breath of fresh air, I can see hundreds of students gathered in tall, high stands. I look to my left to see a soaked Cedric Diggory, Holding me in his arms.

"W-what happened, where am I"

"You're Okay, I got you" Cedric replies. I turn my head around trying to picture what happened, and notice Draco standing further away, looking extremely worried. I then pass out In Cedric's arms.

I wake up in my dorm, with the sun beaming in on me. Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting on the end of my bed.

"Guys!" I yell, sitting up to hug them all.

"Why is it that you always hurt yourself" Harry laughs

"Oh, Mali I'm so happy you're all right!" Hermione expresses releasing them from a hug

"Yes, I'm alright" Hermione pulls me up from the bed. Harry and Ron begin to walk out of the room. She hands me a note.

"This came in while you were sleeping, we haven't opened it, don't worry", She hands me a note.

"Meet me at the lake- D" I look at Hermione, she nods. I get up and leave the Dormitory.

I walk outside, and see Draco by the lake, taking sips of bourbon. I make my way down to the lake and take a seat next to him. He doesn't take his eyes off the lake. Without speaking he offers me some alcohol.

"Draco, we're 16" I say looking at him

"More for me then" He implies

"Uh, I never said no". I snatch the bottle off him and take a sip. He looks at me and smirks.

"What's up?" I ask, waiting for a response like, 'I don't share my emotions' but instead he speaks up.

"You gave me a real scare, Mali" He looks at me, then back to the lake.

"And seeing you with Diggory made me feel, well... odd" He mumbles, I smile and rest my head on his shoulder, as we continued to look out onto the lake. I lift my head up as we both lock eyes. He moves in a little closer, then I do the same. Quickly he pulls away again.

"Mali" He mumbles looking down. I immediately look away.

"I can't do this, we're too different. You're a" 

"A potter, I know" I mumble. Draco pulls off his emerald green serpent ring, he never takes it off. He lightly picks my hand up and slides the ring on. I move my head to look at him.

"Wear this ring, as a symbol to show you how much I care for you" He smiles. I cared for him so much, so I feel honestly hurt that we can't be together, but deep down I knew this was going to happen. I lean over and kiss him on his cheek, and stand.

"Don't get too waisted" I say leaving him. I felt his eyes on me as I walked away.

Walking back to the castle I see Cedric looking for me.

"Mali, are you okay? I'm so sorry about today" He asks grabbing my hand

"Yes, I'm alright and Cedric it's not your fault" I reply

"Why don't I make it up to you" He smiles

"By any chance would you join me for lunch tomorrow at Hogsmeade?"

"Sounds amazing" I smile, kissing me on my rosy cheeks he holds out his hand for mine.

"Shall I escort you back to your dormitory?"

"That would be splendid" we both laugh. Walking back to the castle he pulls out a red rose, red is my favourite colour.

"Thank you, Cedric," I smile, smelling the rose

"You're welcome, I'll pick you up tomorrow then," He says as Hermione opens the door. Smiling, I nod my head and walk into my dorm room, Hermione shutting the door behind me.

I walk in to find Harry and Ron on the lounge smirking at me.

"What?" I shrug, looking at the boys

"Well, how was it," She asks

"yeah, were you two snogging" Ron laughs, as him and harry imitate me making out with Cedric.

"Stop it you two" I laugh, picking up a pillow and smacking them both.

"We're going on a date tomorrow!" I smile taking a seat in between the boys

"Oh, my Merlin Mali, that's amazing!" She expresses, then I stand back up.

"Enough about me, how was the all mighty Victor Krum" I laugh, making kissy faces at her.

"Mali! Stop" she yells chasing me around the lounge while Ron and Harry throw pillows at us.

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