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Everything was so...


Why am I the only one here?

I felt weak. Frail. Alone.

I looked around, not seeing one speck of light through the pure darkness that had shrouded me like a curtain.

A large beam of light shown down like a spotlight.

Only on me.

Alone. Alone. Alone.

Why am I alone?

I felt hot tears spring from my eyes as I began to shake, clutching onto my own body as If I was going to shatter.

"Why am I alone?" I cry, hearing nothing but the sad echo of my voice.

I keep screaming and crying those words until the light started to flicker above me.


Without that light, I'll truly be alone.

It flickered again and again...until...

"AhHH!" I screamed, panting heavily as I shot up in my bed.

I was covered in a cold sweat as my heart beat was rapid and full of fear.

My eyes darted around my surroundings, making sure It wasn't that dark abyss from my dream.

I saw items of clothing scattered across the carpet, music and video game posters hung upon the wall, an old desk pushed to the side of my room with the computer I use for my work.

I sighed. This was my bedroom alright.

I leaned forward, pulling my knees against my chest as I am so placed my head into my arms.

"That was the third one this month..." I tried to say calmly, but it came out as a whimper.

I swung my legs over the foot of my bed as I three off my covers.

"Fuck this. I need food." I grumbled.

I trudged out of bed, kicking some clothes across the ground as I walked through the door.

I looked out into my small hallway, always afraid of intruders.

I decided to move out of my parents house a few months ago. I was 20 years old now and thought that staying with my mum and dad was too childish....also I felt like watching anime and tv shows to properly fangirl without bothering them.

My flat was small, but very cozy in its own way. One bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen connected to the living room.

I patted down the hallway in my fluffy penguin slippers, squeaking every now and then.

I made it into the dark kitchen, with the moonlight peering through my small terrace.

I grabbed the refrigerator door and winced as the light hit my eyes.

As they adjusted, I saw a little bit pan with brownies in it and a note stuck to the side.

"Late night snacks for ashley~love mum." It read.

"She baby's me and she isn't even here." I sigh, reaching into the pan and grabbing the brownie.

I skipped back into my room and plopped on my bed, being cautious not to smush my treat.

I grabbed my phone from its charger and switched it on.

I blinked several times to adjust my eyes to the brightness.

I clicked on Instagram and began to scroll through my newsfeed.

As I chewed on my brownie, I saw my friend Alesa's picture of her and her fiance Adam. I recorded with them a few times, but I guess Im just not that interesting in videos anymore.

I sighed and took another bite of my brownie as I saw a picture of a pretty slim hand with an equally pretty diamond ring.

"Finally popped he question. @jessicapiepontiro "

Why did that name sound familiar.

Jessica. Wasn't that...

I looked up at the name and saw it was posted by the username Bajancanadian.


I started choking on my brownie, dropping my phone in the process.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle conveniently placed on the counter.

I chugged down the water, clearing the food from my esophagus.

"Holy fuck..." I coughed, hitting my chest for good measure.

"....he purposed?.." I said to myself, trying to comprehend the situation.

I smacked my face several times.

You shouldn't care Ashley! Not matter what happened before, the past is in the past.

It doesn't matter if you guys hooked up on that Barcelona trip, It doesn't matter if he constantly flirted with you. It doesn't matter if he said he loved you! He played you. Hes a lil shit who found a girl he could handle and now he's marrying her. GREAT. GOOD. WHOOP-DEE-FUCKIN-DOO.

I noticed that I had crushed the water bottle in my hands, having the water drip onto the floor.

I threw the bottle in the trash can and sat on the floor.

"Control your feelings dammit..." I sighed, gripping onto my pajama pants.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek and quickly wiped it away.

"Stupid feelings..." I whimper.

"Stupid Mitch..."

I got off the floor and walked past the small puddle of water.

I sighed and hopped back into bed, looking at the picture.

The ring was huge and dazzling, and the picture piled on with likes and cutesy hearts in the comments.

I continued scrolling the pictures, hoping I would get tired and go back to sleep.

"Hey Ashley." A message popped up above my screen.

"Hey Jerome." I smiled.

At Least he still tried to talk to me every now and then.

"soo...did ya see it :/" He sent.

"See what?" I asked, although fully aware of what he meant.

"Mitch purposed to Jess.
Great right?" He sent, and I could tell he was unsure.

"Too bad for merome lol." I sent.

"Hahah for sure. I was just checking up on you though." I read.

"Im fine Jerome. Those feeling are gone. Seriously im good :)" I sent.

"Okay. Youre like a sister to me ash, I want to make sure ^_^" he wrote.

"Thank you bro." I giggled.

"Isnt it still super late in England? I thought for sure you wouldn't respond." He wrote.

"I had a scury dream that woke me up ;-;." I texted.

"Did it contain walruses ;-;." He sent, making me giggle.

"For sure. Im gonna sleep tho. Later :)" I wrote.

"Night." He sent.

I sighed and turned off my phone.

I wrapped my covers around me, making me look like a human burrito.

I sighed and shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

The Sunken Ship (mashley)Where stories live. Discover now