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Oh god.

Why did I hug him?

I just HAD to take in a huge wiff of his cologne, and snuggle up to his soft warm chest.

I could've given him a platonic handshake. Hands are warm right?

Ever since we pulled away from that hug, Jessica has been giving me the evilest eye that could stab right through my soul and obliterate my existence.

I decided to sit at the very end our small table, keeping my distance from Mitch, and also Jerome incase Alanna was also the jealous type.

The boys kept cracking jokes, making their girls laugh and fawn over them.

"I just hope that they wont go and get totally waisted at your reception." Jerome chuckled.

"Yeah or else we would have to take them to the vet." I smirked, making Mitch and Jerome crack up.

Jess and Alanna seemed confused.

"The vet? Um..I'm pretty sure vets dont take care of drunk people Ashley." Jessica giggled, winking at Alanna.

"I never told you the story huh?" Mitch smirked down at Jess as he drank some soda.

"Wait..story? About the vet?" Alanna said.

"Yeah. One time I got so hammered that instead of asking for the hospital, I asked for the vet because it was cheaper." Mitch chuckled.

The girls just stared at him in confusion yet again while Jerome and I snickered.

"It...uh...funnier when it isnt summarized..." Jerome chuckled.

"Yeah..." I sighed, picking up my fork to eat some more pasta.

Jessica made a rather disgusted face as she looked at my meal.

"How many calories is that?" Jessica raised a brow.

"Im not...really sure.." I shrugged, nervously eating the noodle.

"Oh gosh I could never eat that! I like to watch my weight." She smirked, sitting up straight to show off her figure.

"Mmhm..." Mitch blushed, chewing on his bagel.

"Besides, I have to fit into my wedding dress~" Jessica giggled as she kissed Mitch on the cheek.

"No PDA please." Alanna said as she sipped on her water.

"So yeah, salad is my choice." Jessica said, looking rather triumphant.

Wait? Was she trying to fight with me? To prove a point as to how she was skinnier than me.

Yeah. She was.

"Well, this pasta is hella dope sooo..." I trailed off as I slurped up a noodle.

Mitch chuckled softly, his eyes meeting mine for a split second.

I blushed and continued to look down at my plate, averting his eyes.

Suddenly, my soda was knocked over and landed on my shirt and pants.

"Woooowww..." I said, very irritated.

"Oh gosh! My elbow slipped." Jessica gasped.

I looked up at her to see those dagger like eyes.

I huffed and stood up, my clothes clinging to me in a rather embarrassing way.


My face flushed as I covered my chest.

Hopefully no one saw that.

"I got this." Alanna stood up, taking her small black suitcase with her.

"I brought some extra clothes." Alanna smiled.

"B-but we are two completely different sizes..." I blushed, gesturing her very skinny figure.

"No worries. I got some baggy shirts." She said, grabbing my hand and taking me to the bathroom.

She pulled out a baggy black t-shirt, kinda like a crop top.

"My stomach is gonna show..." I mumbled to myself.

"I have this really stretchy skirt that goes up to your stomach, but can still cover dat ass." Alanna giggled.

I smiled softly.

"T-thank you." I said, grabbing the pink skirt.

"Im sorry that Jess...y'know..did that." Alanna sighed.

"Oh....I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose." I waved off nervously.

"She did. She was extremely jealous of me when we first met as well. She will let it go over time." Alanna patted my shoulder reassuringly.

I nodded and hurried into the stalls before the soda had begun to stick on my skin. I changed quickly, thankful that the clothes were able to fit me. They were still a little baggy as well. THANK YOU JILLIAN MICHAELS.

"You're so cute!" Alanna squeaked, looking at me like some child.

I looked in the mirror and twirled around in the skirt.

"Dayumm.." I laughed, posing in the mirror.

"Lets take some pictures yeah?" Alanna smiled.

"What else do girls do in bathrooms?" I smirked, making her laugh.

We posed in the mirror for pictures and grabbed our things before leaving the restroom.

"Sorry we took so long." Alanna smiled before sitting beside Jerome.

I brushed the skirt a bit before plopping into my chair.

I felt my social anxiety spike and I hugged myself as everyone began to talk amongst themselves once again.

" did you get your clothes to fit Ashley?" Jessica snarked.

Why is she so mean?

Mitch tapped her arm slightly, glaring at her.

"What? I just assumed that Alanna wouldnt have clothes for Ashley because Alanna is skinny.." Jessica rolled her eyes, sipping her drink.

Shes gonna spill her drink.

My breath quickened and I felt my heart race as I clutched onto my arms tighter.

Shes gonna spill her drink on my again and they are gonna laugh at me.

" alright?" Mitch's usually calming voice made my heart race as I felt a sudden rush of cold.

"I...i...i...i.." I tried to speak, but my words tumbled clumsily from my lips.

"Wow. Stutter much?" Jessica giggled.

She laughed. They all laugh. They are gonna laugh at me.

"Jessica stop. Ashley are you okay?" Alanna said, leaning towards me.

I cant breathe. I stopped breathing.

"Oh shit..." I heard Mitch curse as he suddenly started shuffling about.

No. No more. No more laughing.

"What? Is it because I spilled soda on her. Really?" Jessica scoffed.

My fault. All my fault. All my fault.

I felt tears run down my face as I began shaking uncontrollably. I shut my eyes.

Dark. Everything is dark.

Everything is quiet.

"Shes having a panic attack!" I heard Mitchs voice.


"Ill get help!" Echoed Jerome.

Help? I don't need help..I'm fine..

"Issues much?" Jessicas voice rung darkly through my mind.

Issues. I have issues.

"Ashley! Cmon breath Ashley!"

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