Chapter Two

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The warm and toasty air inside of Suzy's home was a drastic change to the cold and brittle air outside. " Suzy? Is that you? " Mummy Sheep called from the kitchen, standing over a tea kettle that was warming.
     " Yes Mummy, it's me. " Suzy said plainly, trying to make her way to the kitchen through the piles and piles of boxes her Mother and Father had been packing all week, although it was mostly her Mum, since her father was constantly busy with his work.
     " Okay Good, I was worried you would be back a bit late, so I'm glad you came back now. " Mummy Sheep responded, " Dinner and tea is almost ready, but I'd like you to finish packing your final box, as we're moving tomorrow. "

" Wait, what? " Suzy said, stopping as she reached the Kitchen's door frame " I though we were moving next week, mummy.. "
" No, it's Tomorrow Suzy. You'll be with Peppa tomorrow while we move our stuff over and then tomorrow night we will pick you up and take you to the house. " Mummy Sheep paused " And so, tomorrow is going to be your last play date with Peppa for a while. "
Suzy stayed frozen at the doorway " Wh- What.. " Tears pricked at her eyes " I can't.. " She didn't know what to say. What was there to say? Suzy turned sharply and ran upstairs to her now very-much packed bedroom.

Suzy dug under her bed for the old Dial phone she had hid there years ago. She found it under a pile of clothes she hadn't packed yet and took it out, setting it on her bed. Suzy took a deep breath before punching in Peppa's home number. She grabbed the red phone and held it to her ear ' Please pick up, please pick up.. ' The soft click chimed as she heard a voice.

" Hello? This is Pigs residence "

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