Chapter Seven

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This chapter takes place in the future.

     Suzy watched as Peppa and her children came closer. She loved seeing them whenever they visited, it was always entertaining to see them all hop around in the grass and pick flowers to give to her. It was always so fun, so she was excited to watch the children and Peppa once more.

   Peppa rounded up the children, and opened their car doors. " Let's go see Aunt Suzy now, okay? " She whispered, grabbing her youngest sons hand. She walked towards Suzy " Mummy, why do we visit Aunt Suzy so often? "
" Because she's my best friend, and she always will be. "
     The other two children stayed silent, they were much older than the youngest, and they were often shy when visiting Suzy.
     Suzy watched as the youngest kid held back Peppa, so he could pick a flower or two. " Hurry up, we don't want to be late, okay? "
     " Okay mummy.. "
  He quickly stood back up, three flowers in his hand, the shade of a lavish pink, one of Suzy's favorite colors, but he did not know that.

   " I miss you Suzy " Peppa Spoke, resting her flowers she had brought on the ground. Following her example, her children did the same. They stayed quiet though. " It's okay, say hi to Aunt Suzy.. "
The children all said a quick hello, though they started wondering out in the grass again to look for more flowers for Suzy.

Peppa sat in the ground silently, brushing out her long Red dress to cover her legs more.

She placed a small picture of her and Suzy down and turned to look at the headstone.

" I miss you Suzy. "


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