Chapter Four

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The front door of the Pigs' house opened with a large creak. Errrrrrrrrrrr. The loud and ear piercing sound stopped and Suzy saw Peppa behind the door with her Mummy. " Hi Peppa. My mum sent me early because they wanted a head start with packing everything into the car. "
" That's alright, Suzy " Peppa's Mum said soothingly. Suzy had always found Peppa's mum nearly exactly like hers, maybe a bit better. When she was younger she saw Peppa going places all the time and longed to do so too, but her dad was too constantly needed at work, and so was her mum, since they both had to work at the hospital.
Sometimes Suzy would be left at home to make her own dinner, but that was okay, she'd eventually learned how to cook different meals and how to wash her dresses herself.

That day, Suzy and Peppa played all kinds of games, such as Princess and Fairy, Nurse, Restaurant, Building Blocks, and even had fun jumping in muddy puddles, but then it became night.

The two sat awkwardly in Peppa's living room. There was a lot of tension in the room and they could both feel it. " S-Suzy? " " Yeah? " " I'm gonna miss you. " Peppa said softly, gripping a pillow next to her. " I'll miss you too, Peppa " Suzy forced a smile " We can still see each other sometimes, so it'll be oka- "
The doorbell rang, they both knew who it was. Suzy lept out of her chair when she heard it and had a horrified expression before realizing it was just the doorbell and she began to laugh, making a bahhh sound every so often, she was a Sheep after all, and that's what Sheep do.
Peppa smiled softly as Suzy's laugh. She was going to miss her so much, she didn't know what to do.
Suzy got up and went to the door, opening it and she saw her Mama and saw her Dad in the car behind her. " Hello Suzy, we've come to collect you. " Her mom said happily " The house is all set up and ready for us love! "
" Oh.. right. " Suzy looked behind herself towards Peppa " I'm gonna miss you Peppa. " " Me... too.. "

" I guess this is goodbye.. "

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