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12 years later

“Dad there's weevils in the centre of Cardiff!" Chris exclaims typing things into the Torchwood database.

"On it" Jack says coming out of his office while putting his coat on "Ianto you’re with me"

"Yes sir" Ianto says placing his cup of coffee down "see you later Chris and please tell your daughter not to touch our equipment..... Again"

"I'll try papa" Chris calls as Ianto leaves the hub.

Chris didn't go to college, well technically he did. But he didn't finish the course that he had taken and joined Torchwood instead. He had to admit but it's really fun, researching different aliens. It was something that Chris like a lot, he enjoyed it.

Chris and Alec are still going strong. Alec got a degree in sports but decided that being away from his boyfriend, now husband was too hard for him. So he decided to work in Torchwood also. He's like the second Ianto Jones. He makes the coffee and does the paperwork and all that.

Even though the couples had their ups and downs. Two years ago they got married and a few months ago they adopted five year old Amanda.

They were happy, like Jack and Ianto.


Chris looks up from his computer to see his daughter running into the hub in her school uniform. Alec was trailing behind her.

"Hello cupcake!" Chris smiles softly pulling the young girl into her lap. "How was school?"

"Well me and my friends were talking about our hair and nails and-"

"Anything school related" Alec asks sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Well I painted a picture of us but it has to stay in school to dry." Amanda says pouting at the fact that she couldn't take her painting home.

"Sweetie you might be able to bring it home tomorrow" Chris tells her "now I think Ianto left the biscuits out especially for you"

"Biscuits" Amanda squeals getting off Chris lap and running to Ianto's corner.

"So how was your day Mr Coffee maker?" Chris says standing up

"After picking up stuff for here and picking up our daughter. My back hurts" Alec tells him "maybe..... I don't know you can give me a massage, as we are alone"

Alec teasingly bites Chris neck and the man squeals and pushes away a little "we are not alone as we have our five year old daughter eating biscuits."

Alec pouts wrapping his arms around Chris waist "we never get anytime alone anymore"

Amazing memories (sequel to Immortal) Janto ✔️Where stories live. Discover now