Your highness

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Im back!!!!I've finally figured everything out,sorry if this chapter didn't make sense.Now on to the chapter.

So twilight,amy,and shadow had just entered the castle they made there way to the throne room as they made there way inside they saw a purple hedgehog on the throne,twilight was the only one who walked up to the queen she then stopped(the throne is like celestias so twilight is in front of the stairs but only 3 feet away when she stops)she then kneels down

Twilight:Your majesty i am twili-

???:Twilight sparkle,celestia has told me a lot about you


???:yes,im guessing she didn't tell you much about me or mobius.

Twilight:*stands up*Your right she hasn't told me much,I don't even know your name.

Aleena:*gets up from the throne then walks up to Twilight*im queen Aleena *she then puts her hand out for twilight to shake*Its nice to meet you princess twilight.

Twilight:*takes Aleenas hand then shakes it*Please call me twilight.

End of this chapter.....


Im not gonna let this be a short chapter.

With the main 5 and spike:

They were on there way to find there friend when they ran into another.

Discord:*pops out of nowhere*Hi everyone how's my favorite ponys?

RD:Oh thank god your here discord we need you!

Discord:Oh?Why is that?

AJ:Well we need you to help us find twilight.

Discord:Sorry but no can do because........*snaps his fingers then a cage shows up imprisoning the main 5 and spike*That'll get in the way.


???:Did you get them??

Then appears terek(he hasn't gone to canterlot yet but he thought the main 6 would get in the way and he still doesn't know about twilight)

Main 5:TEREK!!!

Terek:*looks inside the cage*Wait there one missing,WHERE IS THE SIXTH PONY?!!!!

Discord:well i don't know ask them.

Terek:*looks inside the cage again*Well? Where is she?

RD:We don't know...........

And....Thats it for this chapter,I'll do more in the Next one,Until next chapter my fellow shadtwi fans.Byeeeeeeeeeee.

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