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Twilight and cadence were walking in Twilights castle.

Cadence:Wow Twilight i knew you can do it im proud of you.

Twilight didn't respond....

Cadence:Is something wrong Twilight?

Twilight:Im fine....

Cadence:You can tell me,anything.

Twilight:Alright but please don't tell anyone.

Cadence:Is it about mobius?

Twilight:Yeah it is....Will i be able to go back?

Cadence:Well if you want to but you can't tell anyone.

Twilight:Oh good.

Cadence:Why do you ask?

Twilight:Well...I've made some friends while i was In mo-



Cadence:There's More than that.

Twilight:(What's she talking about?Oh No)I don't know what your talking about.

Cadence:I know you Twilight,You can't hide anything.

Twilight B-But im not hiding anything.

Cadence:Yes you are.

Twilight:Fine!I'll tell you Just please don't tell ANYONE including princess luna and celestia.

Cadence:Is it that important?

Twilight:Very important.

Twilight then looks around to check no one was coming or listening.

Cadence:Now will you tell me?

Twilight:*nods*Well When was in mobius........

Twilight the tells cadence Her time in mobius(Basically this whole story lol)
And about shadow.

Cadence:Wow Twilight im very happy you found someone.

Twilight:Im happy to but Will i ever be able to see him again?

Cadence:Of course You will!Like i said you can go back to Mobius anytime you want,just don't tell anyone ok?


At night......

Twilight was looking at the sky through her window.

Twilight:(I miss shadow........I know!)

Twilight then takes out a quill and paper then starts writing she then sends the letter.....

At mobius...

Shadow was also looking at the stars the a letter appeared.

Shadow takes the letter.

Shadow:(What's this?)

Shadow opens the letter and reads it:

Dear Shadow,
As you can tell it's Me!Twilight!I really want to see you,I'll visit soon but in the meantime we can send each other letters,I know it'll be hard being distant but we'll make it work.Please write back.


Shadow:(Oh Twilight you always find a way don't you?)

1 Hour later....

In ponyville,Twilights castle:

Twilight was STILL looking at the stars When a letter appeard.

Twilight takes the letter.

Twilight:(It's probably From shadow!)

Twilight opens the letter.

  I miss you as well,I wish i can see you right now But i know I'll have to wait.i can't wait to see or hear you again soon.


Twilight:(I can't believe He wrote back!)

Then she sees something else.A Rose.

Twilight takes the rose.

Twilight:(Thanks for the rose...huh what's This?)

Twilight sees a note attached to the rose.

Twilight:(A note?)

Twilight takes the note it reads:

I hate waiting.But
If Waiting Means
Being Able To Be
With You,I'll Wait
For As Long As
Forever To Be With

Twilight:(Awww that's so sweet).

Twilight the places the letter and the rose on her desk then went to sleep.
Waiting to see Shadow again.

I Can't believe It!I loved making this book!Even though there was ups and downs We made it to the end!Thank you everyone!I love you all!

Thank you everyone.

See you in my other books my fellow shadtwi readers.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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