Who's she?

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   Where we left off shadow was heading to the market to get fruit for twilight,and because she said to get her any kind of fruit so he get 10 different kinds of fruit but while on his way back he ran into someone he didn't want to see.

  ?:Hey!Shadow wait up!

  Shadow ignored the voice and keep going.

  ?:Come on are you mad?

  Shadow turns around to face a pink hedgehog(You thought it was sonic huh?😏)

  Shadow:What do you want rose?

  Amy:Well for one my name is Amy,and two why do you have so much fruit?

Shadow:*turns and starts to walk away*none of your business.

Amy:oh come on let me help!

Shadow:*thinks*(I know twilight said i shouldn't tell anyone but she needs help more than ever)alright fine I'll tell you.

Amy:Alright!I knew you'd come around.


Amy:but what?

Shadow:I can't talk about it here all i can say is i have something from my last mission in Eggmans base.

Amy:Alright!I'll help you.

Shadow:and you can't tell anyone else.


Shadow:They asked to keep it a secret.

Amy:I se- wait THEY?


Amy:Well then*she grabs shadows wrist and starts to run*LET'S GO!!

Amy starts to run to shadows house dragging shadow with her then in incredible speeds they stop in front of shadows front door.

Shadow:*Amy Let's go of shadows wrist*next time you should warn me when you're gonna do that.

Amy:heh sorry.

Shadow proceeds to take out his keys but before he opens the door he stopped

Shadow:one more thing.


Shadow:how do i explain this...umm well there not from around here.

Amy:so they are from another dimension?

Shadow:No there from a far away Kingdom.

Amy:Wow!really?But why did they come here?



Shadow:She,why did SHE come here.

Amy:Oh i see.

Shadow:*he turns the door knob*and wait here until i say you could come inside.


Shadow:*walks inside he looks inside he palaces the bags of fruits on the floor.*

    Shadow looks around then he sees his book shelf then sees his books are gone then he signals amy to follow him she does and amy quietly closed the front door they both quietly walk up the stairs and when the reach the top.

Shadow:*whispers*stay here until i call you ok?

Amy nods and shadow walks to twilights room to see twilight reading and HER ROOM WAS FILLED WITH BOOKS.



Shadow:*sighs*look i brought someon-

Twilight:WHAT?!You told me you weren't gonna tell anyone!!!!

Shadow:look they're here to help you and they promised not to tell.

Twilight:alright.Can i meet them?

Before shadow said anything amy walked in the room.

Amy:umm Hi *walks up to Twilights bed then puts her hand out for twilight to shake*im amy rose.

Twilight:*takes amy hand then shakes it*twilight sparkle

Amy:*takes a quick look at twilight*When was the last time you changed?

Twilight:ummmm six days?

Amy:I guess shadow didn't give you any spare clothes.

Twilight:well i mean he just saved me.

Amy:well don't worry we'll get you some clothes.

Amy yanks twilight from her bed then then walks downstairs but shadow was ALREADY there and blocking the door cause he chaos controled.

Shadow: She's not going anywhere.

Amy:Come on shadow!she needs new clothes!

Shadow:you can go get some but twilight stays no one can know she exists.

Amy:alright fine*she Let's go of twilight*I'll be back by morning.

Amy heads for the door says good bye to twilight and shadow the leaves.Then twilight noticed the fruit shadow brought her.

Twilight:*reaches for the fruit*

Shadow:What do you think you doing?

Twilight:getting fruit?

Shadow:First clean your room

Twilight annoyed goes up to her room then cleans it then she finally gets to eat fruit.

Twilight:*eating*hey you still have to tell me.

Shadow:Tell you what?

Twilight:about yourself.



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