Have to go back.

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A guard was running he had a quill and paper he then quickly wrote a letter and using his magic quickly sent it away.............


These past few days Twilight has grown a relationship with shadow but then ever since that day at the picnic Twilight has also started to have feelings for Shadow but hasn't admit it cause she felt like it wouldn't work.

(So it has officially been 2 weeks since the picnic)

At another random field.....

Shadow and twilight were resting in a field after a long day of training.

Shadow:Your getting good.

Twilight:Thanks your not so bad yourself.

The letter appeard

Twilight:oh look a letter.

Shadow:Well it can't be from equestria.


Shadow What?!Its true.


Twilight opens the letter and reads it.

Dear Princess Twilight,

           You need to come back terek has grown to strong Please Come back!

Twilight:I-It's from equestria i have to go back.


A few hours later....

Amy,Sonia,manic,Shadow,and queen Aleena had gathered to say goodbye to twilight.

Amy:Do you have to go?😭

Twilight:Im sorry Amy but equestria needs me.

Twilight then said her goodbyes to sonia,manic,and queen Aleena.
Last was Shadow.

(Ok so right now Aleena,Sonia and manic and amy have left.leaving twilight and shadow alone 😏)

Shadow:Twilight Please....Don't Go.

Twilight:Shadow I don't want to leave but equestria needs me i have to go.

Shadow:Well are you gonna come back?

Twilight:Not for a while.Maybe i won't be able to come back........


Twilight:You know why!if Eggman finds out about equestria then my home will be doomed!You've been an amazing friend shadow!Thank you for saving me.I hope we meet again.(I love you)

Twilight turns around.

Shadow:(I have to do something i can't let her go just like that!)

Without thinking shadow quickly grabbed Twilights shoulder turns her back around.

Twilight:Shadow what are yo-

Shadow kisses Twilight.

Twilight:(Shadow feels the same way?What if we never see each other again?I Love shadow)

Twilight kisses shadow back.

They both pull back from the kiss.

Shadow:I love you Twilight.Ever since that day at the city when you left it felt like a piece of me vanished.Your the only person i can feel like myself around.

Twilight:Shadow i love you too but....
What if we can't see each other again.

Shadow:I know but I don't care.

Twilight:Your right.I love you shadow.

Shadow:I love you too please don't go.

Twilight:I don't wanna leave but equestria needs me.

Shadow:At least let me come with you.

Twilight:Fine but no one can see you.

And with that Twilight teleports her and shadow to equestria.

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