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Hi everyone!I just wanna say happy Thanksgiving!and sorry for not posting but That's because i was busy writing today's chapter of this story.So Today in the honor of Thanksgiving This Will be a long one.So let's start!

During Twilights time in the castle she was able to find the library.............

In the library.........

Twilight was reading a book when she heard the library door open she looks up from her book to see amy with a picnic basket in hand.

Twilight:Hey amy.

Amy:Hey Twilight.

Amy them sits across from Twilight at her table.

Amy:So watcha reading?

Twilight:Im reading about king Arthur and the knights of the roundtable it's really interesting.Hey i actually have a question.

Amy:What is it?

Twilight:Well remember when we went to the city and we ran into sonic?


Twilight:Well I've noticed that the only hedgehog that has chest hair is shadow.Why is that?

Amy:Well shadow isn't the only one that has chest hair there's another one named silver but they're the only two i know that has chest hair.So to answer you question Twilight shadow isn't the only one who has chest hair.

Twilight:But WHY?

Amy:Well i don't know.

Twilight:Maybe i should ask shadow.


Twilight:So what's with the basket?

Amy:Well i was thinking since today's your day off maybe you,me,and shadow could go on a picnic.

Twilight:That would be great!But what if shadow is busy?

Amy:Don't worry about that I've got it all under control.

Twilight:Ok well let's go!

Amy:But Before you go here.

Amy then takes out a trench coat,Sunglasses,and a hat she then gives them to Twilight.

Amy:I know it may get hot in the coat but you can take off the coat once we get there.

Twilight then puts on the coat

Twilight:Thank god.It was get i bit stuffy last time i had this on.

Once Twilight had the coat,Sunglasses,and hat on she and amy left the library then they left the castle and headed over to shadows house.Amy then knocked on shadows door the door opened to reveal shadow with a tired expression.

Shadow:What is it rose?And why is Twilight here?

Amy:Well since its your and Twilights day off i was thinking we'd have a picnic today.😊


Amy:Why Not?

Shadow:Its TWILIGHT'S day off not mine i can't go.I have a mission today.

Amy:Come on shadow can't you just miss out?

Shadow:No i can't just 'miss out' i have to go.

Twilight:Come on shadow every one needs a break.😊

Shadow:(Damm it!I can't resist a face like that!)Fine!But I'll go AFTER my mission.

Twilight:Works for me!

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