Run in's part 1

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Back again!A little special someone is  gonna be in this chapter.You've meet them in the first few chapters. Now let's get into today's chapter!Also Very sorry for not posting 'Runaway princess' I've been very sick lately but im feeling better now.

Amy was in the castle look for Twilight.

Amy:(Where's Twilight??)

After looking for a while Amy made her way to a field she then spots Twilight and Shadow She runs towards them.

Amy:Hey Guys!!

Amy stops to take a breath.

Twilight:Oh hey Amy Its nice to see you.

Amy:Its great to see you guys as Well anyways i was wondering if we could hang out!

Shadow:Oh no.No no no no no we can't go "Hang out".

Amy:Why not?!

Shadow:Incase you forgotten Eggman is looking for Twilight.Twilight can't just go out without Eggman trying to look for her.

Amy:I know that's why i brought this!

Amy then takes out a trench coat,Sunglasses,and a sun hat.

Amy:With these Twilight won't have to worry about getting caught by Eggman.

Shadow:Really?She'll look every suspicious with that.

Amy:If Twilight was able to get inside the castle with this on then she can wear this without looking suspicious.

Amy then Hands the things to twilight.
Twilight then starts to put the coat on

Twilight:Come on shadow we've been training all day we both need a break plus i can get to see more of mobius.

She then puts on the hat and sunglasses.

Shadow:Fine.We can go.

Amy:Yay!*takes Twilights hand*Let's go.

Amy runs away dragging Twilight with her and Shadow quickly following behind.

Shadow:Hey!Wait up!

Amy:Come on shadow your on of the fastest people i know and you can't catch up?Wow that's new!

Twilight:Amy you should slow down.

Shadow eventually caught up...

At the city.....

Amy stop running so do Twilight and shadow.

Amy:We are here!Now come on let's go!

Twilight:Amy we've been running for a while shouldn't we eat first I Sorta skipped breakfast also it's kinda hot in this coat i could really use a drink.

Amy:Oh right heh sorry. well it's actually lunchtime so i guess your right we should eat first.I know a good place.

Twilight:That's great!Let's go!


Amy:Come on shadow don't be so down.

Twilight:Amy's right we should have fun today and not worry about anything!

Shadow:*sigh*Fine.But i won't enjoy it.

Amy:Great let's go!

They start to walk.

Twilight:So amy where are we going?

Amy:We're going to this amazing bakery i know!They sell the most delici- oof.(Yes she said oof)

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