Special Thanks

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Wow i can't believe it this story is finally finished!Thank you all for being there for me.This story might've had its ups and downs.But it was all worth it Thank you.

Special Thanks:
DarlingDreamerrr ,fizee202 ,mariliahelena2000 ,Ellaelisebrown ,OliJo315 ,Midnightshards2003Thank you guys for you amazing support,you guys helped me get thought This book i couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you.

And of course i can't forget About all of you guys,my amazing readers,at first i didn't think this story would get noticed but i was wrong!I can't believe you guys actually liked my story.
Thank you.

And for old times sake......
(Probably only Ellaelisebrown and Midnightshards2003will get this)I found this shadtwi art and i HAD to show it.

(Probably only Ellaelisebrown and Midnightshards2003will get this)I found this shadtwi art and i HAD to show it

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(Credits to the amazing artist)

This story might have not been the best but hey It was my first story.To be honest i didn't think this would get any notice but I was wrong!Thank you everyone im glad you enjoyed this story

Well this is the end...
See you next time my fellow shadtwi fans.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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