The Photoshoot

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Chapter 1

"That's it darling! Big smile for Mr Fernando baby!"

I struggled not to laugh at the photographer's blatantly fake accented voice giving me commands on how to pose for my cover on TeenLife Magazine.

I did wish my manager hadn't called in sick today though. I had a feeling that Fernando didn't have quite as many qualifications as he had said he had when we hired him.

But we needed a last minute photographer to do the shoot and he was the best one.

I was wearing a red silk tank top that clung to me like a second skin and dark skinny jeans that made my short legs look taller. The fact that I was wearing killer 6 inch pumps also helped the height issue.

My dark caramel hair had been curled and positioned artfully around my shoulders.

The magazine wanted a natural look for the cover so I only had on some pink lip gloss and a light dusting of blush to make my checks rosier.

I readjusted the spaghetti straps on my shoulders and pulled out my megawatt smile.

My eyes stayed open as the familiar blinding flashes blurred my vision. My limbs began to ache. I'd been holding the same position for the last 20 minutes.

I exercised my tired jaw as Fernando fiddled with his photography equipment. Nobody understood how hard it actually was to forcefully smile for half an hour.

When I spotted smoke rising out from the lights he had brought along, I knew that we'd be here longer than any of us had anticipated.

"You've worked so hard darling," Fernando gushed, wringing his hands as he examined the damage to his equipment. "Perhaps a break is what we both need to recharge our talent, wouldn't you agree?"

I fought urge to tell him that I had a limitless amount of talent. Literally. I could go a week without sleeping and not feel a thing. I usually only slept to pass the time. Coffee often helped though. I had to have at least three cups a day or I'd be in a snappy mood.

"Sure Fernando! Just call me when you're ready," I chirp in my painfully fake, All-For-America voice. It was the voice I always had to use in public and in interviews.

It was high pitched, feminine, inspiring, and completely unlike my real voice at all.

The only time I really showed my true sound was when I sang. But lots of things changed when people sang; lisps lessened and accents disappeared. Nobody noticed the change of my real voice and the voice I used to woo the world.

I walked casually over to my handbag, having mastered the art of walking in ridiculously high heels at the age of 12, and picked up my phone.

I felt a schoolgirl giggle rise up in my throat as I read the notification on the screen.

You have 1 new text message from Cody.

Cody Jefferson was a double threat in the entertainment industry, being a singer and actor.

Of course, I was a triple threat but who's bragging?

He and I had started dating a little less than a year ago. At first, it was just a publicity ploy to help promote our new albums but after a while, we both developed feelings for each other and started to seriously go out.

Once word of our relationship spread, fans went wild. Our initial audience had essentially tripled and we were getting more jobs than we would've thought imaginable.

Everyone loved us and the idea of us being together. We were branded as "Rody" from the get-go and everyone admired our steady relationship, a rare thing to find in Hollywood.

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