The Ice Cream

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Chapter 7

Why? Why tonight of all nights did Caleb have to choose to park illegally?

I glanced at the clock resting against the ledge of my mantle, 5:12.

Ok everything's fine! I have Betty keep a guest room at the ready anyway since as a superstar, I always had company.

But what about Cody? Damn it, I really didn't want to deal with a date right now. I decided to send him a quick text asking for a rain check when I saw that he had already sent me one.

Hey Riley! Can't make it tonight, I'm sorry :( I know we had everything planned but work has just gotten so busy all of a sudden. Hope you can understand baby. Also, Naomi told me you weren't feeling well? Are you alright now? Love you - C

That worked out perfectly then! I was slightly concerned about Cody though. He always worked himself so hard and I felt like he was going to exhaust himself one day.

I decided to call Scott, his manager, to ask him to keep an eye on him. Scott was actually Cody's father and despite being his manager, I knew he had his son's best interests at heart; caring more about Cody's health than his career's success.

Scott picked up after a few rings.

"Hello beautiful girl! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Scott Jefferson was, without a doubt, one of the most charming men I have ever met. And I could tell he thought I was a great girl for Cody. We always got along so well.

"Hey Scott! Just calling to check up on Cody. Please don't let himself work too hard. You know how I worry."

"Sure thing Riley, but I thought he was at your place?"

"No? He said work got backed up and he couldn't get out of it?"

Did Cody lie to both me and his father? What was happening?

"Well, I can assure you as his manager and his dad that work is fine. In fact, we finished up early today. Cody had worked especially hard, saying he wanted to spend time with his special girl."

I felt my heart skip a beat at his words. Hearing Cody be such a great boyfriend even with me not around was a comfort in my fretful state.

I shouldn't worry so much. He probably has some secret project that he's working on. Cody always worried that Scott would be too preoccupied being his father than to be a good manager so he sometimes handled things by himself.

Another thing I loved about him. We were both take-charge kind of people.

"Oh, well he has always been such a sweet and thoughtful guy. I'll just call him tomorrow and ask him what happened. I trust him."

"Good for you, pumpkin! Okay, well I've got some meetings to go to so do you think you'll be alright?"

"Yes Mr J. Thanks, I know I can always count on you."

Just hearing the man's friendly, reassuring voice made me smile.

As we hung up, all my thoughts redirected to the boy sitting in my kitchen, twiddling his thumbs.

His tall lean frame dwarfed the yellow steel bar stool he was sitting on, his long arms leaning against the black marble countertop.

He looked up once he heard that I had finished my phone call; his mesmerising green eyes once again capturing my attention.

"So can I stay? I'm so sorry about it. I swear that this is a onetime thing."

Something in his voice made me want to tell him that he was more than welcome. That I wanted him to even.

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