Author's Note

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Hi my lovelies! It's Ava here! :)

Now I know I've been updating daily and everything *pat on the back* but I've realised that I've hardly talked to you guys!

Sure, I give the occasional comment or whatever, but I haven't really stopped and taken the chance to voice all my thoughts, you feel me bruh?

Now before you click away thinking I'm some crazy tie-dyed hippie girl who's stoned and has whack conspiracy theories (we both know you were thinking it), give me the chance to explain.

In a few days time, I'll be starting school again *groan*

The early mornings, the gross lunches, the teachers who find it their life's goal to make your life miserable - why life, WHY?!

Anyway, I could go on and on about this but I won't or I really will sound like the rainbow stoned hippie conspiracist.

So with school going on and exams and assignments, I'm not going to get as much time to write my stories anymore :(

Of course I will still update (no one could ever take my writing away from me!) but it just won't be as often, I'm afraid.

Ok guys, here's the deal. I'm gonna be real with you. All my classes are honour/advanced classes and I get more homework than average students (not bragging - more whining)

So I've decided to only post one update a month BUT (there is a giant but) they will be extra long and I'll try to make them as interesting as possible! I'll be posting random chapters from random stories by the way.

Please understand that this was a really hard decision to make - one of the hardest I've ever had to make without asking anyone else since no one I know is actually aware of my secret Wattpad account. I really wish I could post everyday for you lovelies but it just isn't possible with my hectic school schedule.

Hopefully I'll be able to post lots more during holidays or after exam periods but for now, I can't promise you guys anything as much as I'd love to :(

I'll try my absolute best to stick to this but I can't guarantee anything. As much as I love writing my stories for you awesome people, school comes first.

Next order of business! (I feel like I'm Judge Judy! Hell, how awesome would it be to be Judge Judy?! Like with my robe and mallet...) *daydreams* I'm getting carried away again!

I cannot even comprehend how far my Wattpad account and stories have gone. You guys are truly the most amazing readers a girl could ever have and I'm blown away by the responses my stories have received.

In less than three weeks of writing on Wattpad, I have achieved:
• over 30 followers?! Unbelievable! (We're nearly on 40 though *nudge nudge*)
• Nearly 4000 views on my stories altogether with only 23 chapters published (approx. 174 views each chapter!)
• All three of my original stories had achieved top 400 placings in their genre on Wattpad! *mindblown*
• Over 200 votes on my stories
• Nearly 300 comments on my stories
• I've been asked to do several collabs with some amazing writers
• I've met some of the most loveliest and sweetest people ever on this website through my writing

A pretty good list for only three weeks if you ask me XD

I only have one word to describe what I'm feeling: ASDFGHJKLEEERRRMMMEEEGGGHHHHEEERRRRDDDD?!?!?!

Ok let me expand on that.

The love I get from my stories is overwhelming and I can't believe anyone would actually read, let alone vote and comment on, my stories! Writing has always been a passion of mine and you guys just make it all the better by doing what you're doing.

Your support and belief in me that I can actually write something worth reading means more to me than you could ever understand!

If you told me I would've achieved all of this when I first started my account, I would've thought you were the rainbow stoned - (Stop it Ava! The joke's over! Jeez...)

Once again, thank you so much for even giving my stories the time of day! You are amazing! :)

Well there - I think that was the longest A/N in the history of author notes but that's what I get for putting it off so much -_-'

Hope you understand my situation and why I won't be posting as much anymore :( and that you get how grateful and amazed I am with the outcome of my Wattpad account that YOU (yes you!) have helped me to achieve.

See you in the not so distant future!

x Ava Q Carter <3

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