Chapter 13 - Magical honeymoon

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In the morning, after their wedding night, Aurora got up earlier, and decided to make some fruity pancakes for breakfast. She used her wand, flicked it in the air, watching the ingrediens flying into the bowl, mixing together, roast in the pan, and then wander to the plates on the table. Completely ready.

Grindelwald woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes.

"Here is my beautiful wife who is even a brilliant cook!" He said as he walked straight to Aurora and pulled her in a loving embrace.

"Good morning, sir." She smirked at him playfully. "I hope you're hungry." She added.

"I already love it." He smiled, and kissed her cheek.

They sat down to the table, and began to eat.

"I feel like I'm in a vision." He smiled, as he cut a piece from the pancake.

"I feel the same, Gellert. I never thought this would ever happen! That you would ever want me. I barely believed it when you told me how you felt." She replied.

"Oh, honey. My feelings haven't changed a drop since then. If you can say that, they would rather have grown each day. Do you remember when we met for the very first time?"

"How could I forget?" She asked excitedly.

"From the moment I first looked at you in the crowd... I knew there will be noone else like you. That beauty, that power that radiated from you was... astonishing. Unbelivably admirable."

"Gellert... I still remember the feeling you caused me throughout your speech."

"What was it like?"

"Strange... I felt butterflies." She giggled.

"I was always searching for you with my eyes." He smiled.

"I noticed that. And you made me blush like nobody ever did. You still do." She smiled, and kissed his cheek. "And the first time you kissed me?" She asked, and he nodded.

"I thought I ruined everything." He said.

"I ran into my room like a fool." She laughed, and rested her head on Gellert's shoulder. She felt perfectly happy. She got everything she wanted. And that was the best feeling in the world.

After breakfast they went for a walk on the beach. Holding hands, barefoot in the sand, just like in a romantic summer movie. There was only one thing that could have made Aurora even happier that she had never even dared to mention to her love, so now she decided it was time.

"Baby?" She asked sweetly, and nuzzled to his shoulder.

"Yes, darling?" He asked, and stroked her head.

"There's something I wanted to discuss about our future. You know, like, have you ever wondered about, maybe one day, if you think, we could expand our little family." She smiled, softly, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Well, if I ever had a child, I would only do it with you. For sure." He replied thoughtfully after looking out at the horizon. But the present circumstances are not explicitly appropriate for the safety of a little one." She looked at him with an uncertain gaze, a little worried, as Grindelwald continued, "But of course we have every opportunity to protect him adequately, but I nonetheless, I would mostly prefer having one child who is easier to protect and who may eventually become our worthy heir." He said.

"So... can we?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course, honey." He smiled, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in a tight hug, burying her face into him, crying a few happy tears.

"I love you, baby." He said to her, caressing her back.

"I love you too! Thank you Gellert, you made me so happy!"

"You made me happier. That you are here for me, the perfect wife and woman who wants to carry my child. There can be no greater pride and honor for a man like me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." He said happily.

"You're the best thing for me too! The meanig of my life. You will be a great father, love." She said.

"Oh, but I'm sure there will never be a more wonderful mother than you." He smiled brightly, and kissed her cheek, as they walked along on the shore. It was all they'd ever dreamed about. Happiness, love and trust. They were inseparable, and a truly unstoppable couple together.

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