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Dear Jimin,

I know you don't know me and neither  you should but what you should know is that you are a diamond and not everyone will understand how valuable you are. People will come and go but your focus shouldn't change, you know what you can do so let them say anything they want. Let your actions speak louder then your words, I know one day your actions will speak louder then Bombs, but till that day you need to maintain your focus and know what's your goal.

They say that you look ugly when  their life is uglier then thier face. You need to understand that what's coming is much better then what's gone. Life is all about ups and downs but you can't ket them hurt.

They want you to cry and you are doing the same, you have to show them how powerful you are, you can take over the world.

You know what, just take a break for a while and give up for a while...take rest but then buckle up and fight back. We all are fighters, it's just that we neet to wake that beast up...telm him to fight and once its awake, life will be much more simple.

I  can already see how bright you will shine.:) I don't know but I just feel it in my bones. 

I know, and I trust on you.

Yours truly


This is my letter to all of you who are suffering out there. Please don't give up and keep FIGHTING!!!

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