You and Me?

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I knew that we weren't meant to be together but I still wanted you so badly.

"Elle, go and stand with Jimin, you both will be partners," our teacher said and I did as she commanded.

I walked and stood next to you, you weren't that tall but taller than me, I was almost reaching your shoulder.

Suddenly, you took my hands as the music started.

"You have beautiful hands," You said and I knew that it was a lie cause my hands were bruised with Marks of the dark past that my abusive dad gave me.

I was In panic mode, trying to avoid eye contact but then you weren't even looking at me.

You pulled me closer gently as I looked straight into your eyes, but your eyes were fixed at the point which was surely not me.

For a moment, I forgot that music was on and we had to dance.

"Calm down and Focus on your moves" you whispered which bought me to my senses.

You never looked at me, all you were focused was about dancing, you were focused on your moves.

All I wanted to ask was why, why don't you look at me? Am I that bad? Am I that ugly? Am I that miserable that you don't even look at me?

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