Buckwheat Flowers

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I rang the bell of your apartment and soon you opened the door.

"Ohh Teacher-nim, you are already here. I am about to take shower so please wait for fifteen minutes" you said as I made my way In   your apartment and sat on the couch.

"I am sorry, please wait, you said while you run towards your room in tiny.

I sat on the couch and scrolled through Instagram when I noticed that there are dried buckwheat flowers framed in a giant white frame.

Buckwheat flowers are my favourite as they symbolizes happiness and I remember how I bought them for you cause you are the happiness of my life.

I couldn't control myself and walked towards it, soon my some other photographers that were hung on the wall catch my attention.

Those were of surely a girl while she was dancing but her face wasn't clear. I leaned towards the wall to see her face realising that they were my pictures.

My palms covered my mouth and silently tears dropped on my left cheek.

I was so busy in admiring you that  I forgot you were the one who used to watch me when I was dancing.

I tried to look for more stuff when I found a wooden box labelled as "your words", I opened to it and found that it had all the letter I send you from the beginning.

Now, I was crying while thinking about those painful days and how much writing letters to you helped me 

"I also love Buckwheat flowers but I found them in the dumpster," you said as I turned back.

"Do you remember me?"

"How can I forget that girl who believed in me when I also doubted myself," you said with tears in your eyes and it broke my heart to see your cry.

This was the time Jimin that I should tell you the truth.

"I can't speak, I am a dumb person who is unable to speak," I said in sign language hoping that you will understand.

"You couldn't speak, but I was always able to hear you all the time...from the beginning, I can hear you"

"I waited for years but not now," You said as you handed me a letter.

I opened it and it was dated to ten years back.

Dear Elle,

I like you and I like you alot. I can also hear your but I am afraid that you'll reject me just like others. I know I am never gonaa give this to you but I like you alot Elle. I love how you dance and i can feel the pian in it, i can feel how we connect through our dance.

I can see how beautiful your hands are, regardless of those Marks but I am afraid of rejection that I always got.

Yours and only yours

"Are we a thing now?" I thought

"Yupp" he said while nodding his head and tear filled eyes

"Sometimes what we see isn't the only truth"

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