You're my Filter

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It's been seven years since BTS made its debut and now you're one of the most handsome man alive. All seven of you are successful rich gentlemen, people who rejected you, made fun of you are now begging for your attention.

They were regretting their every move. Watching was enough for me to be happy and live a life that normal. Its like your sight was enough.

You were same, touched the same level of energy and did the same level of hard work or more but I knew that it was just the beginning and you'll do much better.

I knew you were the star that will shine brightly forever in the sky.

I knew this from the beginning and I am proud of you. Seeing you grow from a little boy to a gentleman was something  I can never forget till the day I die.

I work as a choreographer in Seoul and its fun, my life is simple and sweet now and all thanks to you Park Jimin.

I was working on the new project that our company was working when My partner marched in the room.

"Elle, guess with whom we are working on our next project?" He said as he walked in.

Behind him and a tall man in black letter jacket, mask and a cap walked with Chanel bag hanging on the side.

I peeked a bit and soon you took out your mask, it was walked in through that door.

"We are working with Jimin for his upcoming single; Filter," he said

"Nice to meet you teacher, hope we will work hard. I will give my hundred per cent" you said as you bowed to me.

I was shook, shook to death. All I did was to stare at you and bow back in panic.

I tried to avoid eye contact but I knew that you didn't recognise me but soon your eyes landed on my hands.

"Your hands are beautiful," you said while pointing to them.

"Do you remember me?"

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