i wanna try

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I know that we aren't meant to be together but at least I wanted to try, I wanted to give it a shot. I wanted to tell you how badly I love you and how much I want you in my life.

I decided to meet you near the Riverside with white buckwheat flowers in my hand and a letter of my love for which I ga e up my sleep.

I ran towards the riverside where you use to spend most of your time.
Trying to catch my breath, I hide behind a tree as I saw you with another girl and you had Buckwheat flowers in your hands while she was looking away. I could see the tears in your eyes.

"I love you Mirae, please accept it," you said as tears kept on pouring.

"Jimin, we are just friends," she said


"No its and buts, they were right, I shouldn't have given you any attention. How can you even imagine that I'll say yes, look at me and look at you? I don't wanna sound rude but you don't look good Jimin" she said as she walked away.

All I did was to stand there and stare at you, you sat on the ground while sobbing like anything.

"I'll prove you wrong one day," you said as you threw the flowers and so did I.

"I know you'll prove them wrong"

Suddenly it started raining, though it was devastated and shattered and wanted to run away from you but I knew that I couldn't let you catch a cold.

I took out my umbrella and threw it near you, you looked at my direction but before that I out my hood and ran away.

I threw my letter, chocolate and flowers in the dustbin while it stopped raining.

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