Chapter 6

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When I wake up, it's back. Looking at me. It doesn't say or do anything. I don't really care. I'm cold. I almost can't feel my fingers. I look at Green.

- I brought you something.

It feels like a déjà-vu, but without the robot voice. Smooth and rough, deep and high, soothing and stressful voice that I heard the first time we had met. I'm intrigued this time. I don't see anything around me.

- What is it?

- I'm going to show you. Stand up. Please.

The "Please" sounds hoarse in Green's voice. I don't think this word had been said very often in the last century by Green. I stand up carefully, scared to get hurt again. I look around trying to find what it is that Green brought. I'm confused.

- There's nothing.

- Because you can't see it, doesn't mean there's nothing. Besides, I didn't want to put this on the ground. It would have gotten dirty.

I step forward, closer to it. I'm still looking for something around me. The green eyes are staring at me. Me, who searches for something that Green explicitly told me I couldn't see.

- Do you want to see?

What a question. I want to see. I want to know. It knows my answer, but I'm guessing I'm supposed to say the words. I roll my eyes and say it.

- Yes. Please show me what you brought.

When I'm done speaking, I realize that I was expecting. Expecting something to happen. But nothing. Green is laughing now. I close my eyes and wait just like a child.

- I brought clothes. Clothes of every style so you could choose one. To look like yourself. To be yourself.

I open my eyes. They're watery. No one ever cared enough to do this kind of thing. No one saw through me, but Green is. I don't know what to say.

- Thank you.

I mumble the words. Two words that usually mean a lot to say. This time I don't know how significant the words are. It closes its eyes like a response to what I said.
A question comes to my mind. I'm curious to hear the answer to it, even though I almost know at the moment I think about it, that it will be left unanswered. Just like usually. I still ask.

- How is it going to work?

It looks at me confused.

- How are you going to make the clothes appear?

It doesn't answer. It just does it. The tunnel disappears. It becomes a clothing store. It's empty and the silence is so loud, my ears are buzzing.
I start to walk around, looking at things. There's everything.
Everything. I wander around noting the things I like or dislike in my head. I'm in my little world until Green's take me back to earth.

- What do you think?

- I... You...

I can't find the words so I say the truth.

- Thank you. It's the most beautiful, intriguing place, and I can't hate anything in here.

The walls are painted in a bright yellow, that is sweet and smooth at the same time. There's paintings hanging on them.
A horse.
A silhouette.
Green eyes in the dark.
I turn back to Green.

- Did you make those?

I point at the silhouette painting. It might be my favorite, but I don't say it out loud. It probably already knows anyway.

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