Chapter ①⑨

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That is what I wrote when I started writing this chapter ⤵️ what a joke

[Hello everyone! Surprised of this very early update? Yeah me too. I'm actually waiting for Covid-19 test results so I don't have much to do.]

That was over a MONTH ago smh.

So guess who's not dead?

Anonymous said Michael Jackson but I'm talking about... ME! Yes, your favourite author is back. *slow claps from angry readers*

[HERE YOU GO YOU'RE WELCOME MY CHILDREN oh and btw THANK YOU GUYS FOR 100K READS LIKE WTF?! I remember a few months ago when I got excited when I got 10 reads hahah okay now you're freeeeeee] I also wrote that a month and a half ago but it still applies. Except the fact that we have 125k reads? Y'all are crazy. MAFIA SH!T 4EVER!!

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𝓐𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂'𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓿

"Let me get this straight, you stole a car, you got into a fight that ended up getting you detention and all you can say for your defense is hey?!"

Yup, you guessed it, Ricardo found out about my small fun moments of the day. Like have you ever stolen a car? The rush is SO worth it. Wait who the fuck am I talking to? Who am I, Dora?

"Yup, Ricardo. I think it is appropriate to greet people you kind of know when you see them. Don't you think so?"

He glared at me. Like dude chill. Take a joke. Jeez!

"cosa ho intenzione di fare con lei? (what am I going to do with her?)" He muttered

"Chillax sperm donor" I rolled my eyes at him, full on smirking

Until I made eye contact with him. His knuckles were white, trying to contain anger and his face was so red it could so easily be mistaken with a tomato. You know in cartoons when the character is super mad and smoke comes out of their ears? That's pretty much what was in front of me.

Whoops, well I guess it's time to go!

With that I Usain Bolt out of that awkward situation.

✧・°:*✧・°:* *:・°✧*:・°✧

"Well, this is boring"

I was alone, in my room, before midnight. How depressing. Yes, it's a school night but heh, only lame bitches go to sleep before the day ends. Party all night baby! Party alone in my room with sugar, fat and netflix but i'm happy. *death inside me laughing*

I'm just chilling, in a blanket burrito with a bra on my head. Sorry, you had to be there. It's an inside joke between me, my mirror, my closet and my nightstand.

*bang bang*

That did not sound very good. The noise came from upstairs. I've never been on the level over mine. Humm... let's think about it for a second.

Mysterious noise. Unknown place. Creepy family. Brother who owns a gun for sketchy reasons. Not very good signs.

Very hot girl. Hears the suspicious noise. Will she use her common sense and not go investigate or will she get win over by her curiosity?

Well, I'm not blonde so my survival chances are higher. I say, let's gooo!

Creepy creepy family! Creepy creepy noise! Probably creepy floor... and a lot of guns! (Y'all need to SING IT *pulls out gun* it's an order)

But I won't be the dumb bitch who goes to the noise without a weapon. No no no.

"Where are you" I whisper, looking around my room.

Where did I put it? This is so inconvenient in case so murderer comes into my room. Oh! There it is! I literally forgot I put it under my pillow.

"Silly me!" I thought while taking my knife from under my pillow. Sharpened enough to cut air. I'm good to cut possible gangsters if needed. Or not. I could just feel like it. Nah, just kidding. Or am I?

Hum... I need to wash my hair. Focus!

I pass my head through the door frame. Right. Left. No one. Sneaky rolling to the hallway intersection. Sneaky glance. No one. Woohoo! That's a lucky bi- Focus! Cartwheeling to the stairs. Sneaky glance. 15 seconds listening. No one. Going up the stairs a floor.

I see some lights there but no one guarding the door to the floor. Maybe I'm paranoi-

"Get rid of his stupid body!"

Or maybe not. That was definitely one of my brothers. Not good. Wait! They killed someone? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I need evidence. Phone. Making sure sound is at off. Don't wanna snap evidence and get caught by the click or whatever the sound makes. I should just ask them to say cheese...

I enter the floor. And hide between a pile of crates full of... very illegal and dangerous weapons and a couple barrels of white powder which I don't think is flour or sugar. Quick pics. Quick selfie. #ilivewithgangsters #theykilledsum1 #cocaineinmyhouse #callme4thenextparty

"VAI A PRENDERMI UN ASCIUGAMANO! HO SANGUE SUI MIEI VESTITI!" (Go get me a towel! I have blood on my clothes!)

"Si signore"

Footsteps retreating and quickly coming back.

Quick pic of my brothers testing the guns. Their employees testing the 'nose candy'. I just have the song #SELFIE by the chainsmokers stuck in the head. It is NOT the moment.

"quando è la prossima consegna?"
(When is the next delivery?)

"Domenica" (Sunday)

Sunday I'll come back here again. And I'll get more proof. But for now, I need to get the f*ck out of here and download the evidence.

Slowly but surely. You have all the time in the world. It's not like there about twenty scary buff dudes in possession of tons of weapons after testing some cocain.

Pass the door. Down the stairs. The other door. Hallways. Room.

When I reach my room, I can finally breathe. That shit was really scary.

I remember my mission and go straight to my computer. I download the pictures on multiple different USB flash drives. I'll disperse them tomorrow.  And always keep one on myself. I delete the pictures from my phone.

Mom, what have you got me into?

I know this chapter is short, and I know it's been a long time, but at least I'm here *please don't kill me face* I know I keep saying I'll update more but school is sucking my soul out of my body. Ya know, having a little sirius x dementor moment.

Btw I really love you guys and how you're all so invested in the story. I read every single one of your comments, even the ones that say update 0.41 second after I posted a new chapter. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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