(3) White

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Chapter Three
Words: 439

I kicked the glass, capsule door open, climbing out and seeing everyone else still passed out. I slowly dressed in my uniform and fished out a map and my ID Card: Shen Kuo, 18 years old, Female. Okay, at least I know that me going into space wasn't a fever dream and I'm actually stuck on a ship with four rich assholes.

I skipped down the aisle, stopping by Orange's capsule, smirking down at her. I kicked the capsule hard with my boot.
"Wake up, sleeping beauty, I'm bored," I announce, squinting down at her.

I kicked the capsule again, harder, which did nothing but made her face twitch a bit. So annoying.

I scanned the room and found a TV hanging in the back of the small room, playing the news channel, which aired when we departed. I found a small remote and turned up the volume, rewinding the clip.
"...Children of Saviors is what the young generation has named Unit Five, children of the famous Unit One. Right at this moment, they had successfully departed from Earth and we have heard word that they will safely settle into orbit. The units adviser, who's strayed from the public, had come out with a statement: 'Unit Five are certainly their parents' children—children of saviors is a perfect given name as they will repent—.'"

I flicked the tv off and rolled my eyes, grabbing my helmet as I started to walk away from the room. I took out my map and started walking the vacant hallways, my footsteps seemingly echoing throughout the entire ship.
I started humming a song mom always sang for me. I always hated it as I thought that lullabies were for children but now it's a comfort. I hope she sang it before she died. Our adviser won't say it but he knows they didn't go MIA, Unit One is dead.

I stopped humming as I heard footsteps other than mine. I crept down the hallways and hid behind a corner, seeing Pink in the cafe. I held my breath as I heard something in admin. Sneaking into the room, I smirked as Orange was there, staring at the map, her eyes widening and her stance stiffening as she realizes my presence. Cute.
I came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, standing on my tiptoes to reach her ear, whispering: "Why so tense?"

Orange pushed me off of her and turned towards me, backing up against the admin table.

I laugh a bit: "Oh, we're taking this color thing seriously? Okay, Orange, nice to see you again."

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