(10) Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

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Chapter Ten
Words: 1212

Walking to Admin with Black, we both saw White muttering threats at the card reader. Wonder where I saw this before.
Black went to help her, doing the same thing I did to him: guiding her arm slow enough to have it turn green. My eyes locked with his hand on her arm. I held my breath and looked away, fiddling with my fingers awkwardly.

I held my stomach and lifted an eyebrow. Is this...jealousy? No, what would I be jealous of? White soon left, leaving both of us in Admin with Brown coming in as well.

Black slid his card and walked off once the light shone green. I slid mine and walked off as well. Glancing at my task card, the closest thing would be Shields then I can do my tasks in Electrical and Reactor.
Walking to Shields, I felt paranoid as if I could be attacked at any moment now. I keep imagining someone jumping from the vents. On the screen in front of me, I quickly pressed the red hexagons. I looked out the window to observe the shields of the ship starting to glow.

Coming out of Shields, Brown came up from Communications, sauntering next to me, nodding to me. We walked together in silence with him walking a couple of feet ahead of me as I continued to walk next to him.
I hope he doesn't think I'm following him. Once we were out of storage, we both stepped into Electrical.

Once we were both inside, the lights went out and I heard the doors close behind us.
"B-Brown?" I call out, staying put in the dark room. I felt my way to turn on the lights, pulling out my flashlights to flick the switches.

Once the lights were on, the doors opened as well with Brown pressed against the wall, instantly running out.
"Shit," I mutter.

It's not like I can shout "hey I'm not going to kill you, come back!"

I don't blame him, I would've run as well. Sighing, I went to the back of Electrical and worked on wires, downloaded data, and calibrated.

After a few minutes in Electrical, I walked out and went up to the Reactor, working on starting it up. I kept all of my concentration on the task while trying to drown out my fear of being killed in this state, imagining my corpse stuffed into the garbage shoot like Orange. 
I looked behind me and saw Brown hesitatingly working on another task across from me, glancing up at me every so often. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

The lights went off again with the doors shutting before we could flee. Are you serious? I backed up against the nearest wall I could find, unaware where Brown is.
I pulled out a flashlight, seeing a slight white color, but it was soon knocked out of my hand as someone pushed me against the wall while I blindly kicked and punched.

I was pushed back again and felt around my surroundings, only to feel myself backing up against someone. Their hands tried to pin me down, grunting as they tried to keep me put.

I stuck out my leg, hearing them fall to the floor, and guessed where they were, successfully pushing them to the floor, kicking and punching where I could as they did the same to me.

I heard the doors open while the light once again turned on. Below me is Brown. I widened my eyes, my face going white.

"You're the one who attacked me? Brown...you're the imposter?" I exclaimed.

No way...I'm sure I saw White's suit. Maybe I just wanted to see White.

"Me? You're the one who randomly started hitting me like you were trying to kill me," Brown defended.

White came into the Reactor, seeing me still on top of Brown, leaning against the door frame.
"Brown, come over here before she kills you," White says.

Brown pushed himself off of the ground, walking towards White, dusting off his suit and walking off. I walked behind them as they lead me to the Cafeteria. Black still isn't here...I hope he's okay.

White pressed the button and once again those plaques were put in front of us with a screen showing five icons with Orange's face crossed out.

"White...Black isn't even here yet," Brown says.

"Doesn't matter, we know who it is," White responds.
Brown nod.

"It...it was a setup," I pleaded, feeling my body start to freeze up as all attention was focused on me, "I wasn't going to kill Brown, I swear!"

The timer eventually came to a stop for the whole discussion which just consisted of me yelling out my innocence and White shutting me down without failure.
"It's time to vote, isn't it, little maggot?" White laughs, pressing her finger on the screen.

I voted for White, not like it matters. Black isn't here so we have a couple more seconds to see the results.
"Here's something to think about. Who's the other imposter if all of you are so innocent?" I say through my tears, slamming my hand on the table.

The screen showed the results: 2 votes for Pink, 1 vote for White, 0 votes for Brown, 0 votes for Black, and 0 votes for skip.
Above the table is another hologram message from our adviser. This time he was standing in front of a window facing away from us, seemingly in some sort of skyscraper with clouds visible in front of the glass.

"So you've decided to eject, have you? Well done, Unit Five. Take the crewmate that you want to be ejected from the ship to the elimination zone. To find the elimination zone, locate the metal door in the Cafeteria, this leads to a separate room meant for these purposes. Click on the button that says 'tether' after putting the desired crewmate into the airlock," adviser announces.

White grabs my arms behind my back and forces my head down, guiding me to the elimination zone.
"White, please don't do this!" I scream, thrashing around as she keeps making me move closer to my death.

Making it into the freezing room with one big window overlooking space, she let my arms go.
"Brown, would you want to stay or leave?" White asks.

"Stay," Brown answers.

White nods and pushed me into a separate small room labeled "airlock".

"No, fuck! Let me out of here!" I scream, banging on the walls.

"Better shut up, Pink. You only have so much air," I heard White say within my suit, "Did you really think anyone would believe you? You think just because your precious Black made you stop whining for once in your life that you have his heart now? You're nothing. You're a parasite. He would've killed you."

No way...she bugged my suit?

Soon, I was ejected from the airlock, floating in a void of the unknown, only seeing the window in front of me of White and Brown. I screamed as I saw White slit his neck and kept jabbing the knife into his stomach until he fell. I shut my eyes, trying to muster up my last words before death.

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