Chapter 4

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After my shower, I go back downstairs to see the boys sitting at the dining table. The private chef had just finished plating the food as I make my way to the only empty seat, between Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

"Nako-Chan, I saved this seat just for you!" Oikawa quietly exclaims to not interrupt the other conversations going around the table.

"You made me move over." Iwaizumi sighs.

Oikawa shushes him. "I like sitting next to Nako-Chan more than I do next to you. She doesn't try to hit me for no reason." He huffs, picking up his utensils to eat a portion of his food.

"You always try playing footsies with me!" He glares at Oikawa.

I let the two continue their conversation, shaking my head before digging in to my food.


After dinner, we all go to the living room, deciding to watch a movie before heading to bed.

"What should we watch?" Oikawa asks while grabbing the remote from the coffee table, turning the tv on and opening Netflix.

"Pick a scary movie!" Watari suggests.

"Ehhh, I don't think that's a- a good idea.." Oikawa looks around at us for an answer.

"I think that's a great idea!" I grin.

His eyes widen, "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"If you put one on, I'll.." I think, "I owe you a favor."



Oikawa beams a toothy smile. "In that case, we're watching a scary movie! You can choose though." He tosses the remote over to me.

I end up choosing 'A Quiet Place,' one of my favorite movies.


Oikawa's been clutching on to a pillow for more than half of the movie. He was previously clutching onto Iwaizumi's arm before he got scolded.

The build up of ominous music was prominent enough that you could tell something was coming.

"Ah!" Oikawa screeches at the top of his lungs from the jump scare, shooting up from his seat and hiding behind the couch.

Outbursts of laughter go around the living room.

"That wasn't even that bad!" Yahaba says with a chuckle.

Oikawa peeks his head out over the couch. "Shut up, you guys have more experience with movies like this than I do!" He frowns, checking if the coast is clear before coming out from behind the couch. "I don't watch these things."

"Aww, is Tooru cranky? Does he need his-" Mattsun starts, but is cut off when Oikawa throws a pillow at him.

"Shut up!"


Majority of the boys got tired after the first movie, so they went up to their rooms, leaving Mattsun, Makki and I.

Instead of continuing the night with scary movies, we decided to put a comedy movie on instead.

Buuut, I ended up knocking out on Mattsun's shoulder, which resulted in him carrying me up to my room.


The next morning, I wake up to the aroma of meat cooking, and other scents I can't detect. I get up from the bed and stretch my arms out. My body's definitely not used to this mattress yet.

I get my hairbrush and skincare bottles out of my, still packed, suitcase and go into the bathroom, doing my precise morning routine.

Hopping down the stairs, I spot Makki in the kitchen leaning over the island counter, bugging the chef.

I sneak up behind him, slipping my arms around his waist. "Morning, Hiro~"

"Heeey, mornin'. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay, you?" I let go of him, leaning my back against the island.

"Oh, like a baby, besides the fact that Mattsun decided to sleep with me."

I laugh, covering my mouth. "That must be, oh, so horrible.."

"You think? Dude sleeps like a fucking starfish, legs and arms out all over me!" He spreads his legs apart and arms out, imitating Mattsun's starfish like sleeping position.

"I wanna starfish in your bed too!"

Makki tilts his head to the side a bit. "We can have a starfish party in my room."

"What're you talking about." Kentarō appears behind Makki, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"We were just talking about how absolutely spectacular it'd be for Nako to sleep w-"

Kentarō's nails dig into Makki's skin, causing him to wince with a gasp. "Yoo, your grip is gonna take off my fucking shoulder!" Makki shakes his shoulder to loosen Kentarō's grip, hitting his hand off.

"Ken-Chan.." I give him a pouty look.

He walks off with a brief eye-roll, leaving me and Makki quite speechless.

Makki looks at me. "Why'd he get three times more protective since we got here?"

"Is your shoulder okay? I'm so sorry." I bring my hand up to his shoulder, lightly rubbing it.

"Yeah I'll be fine.. Feels like he pierced through my skin, but I'll be fine."

"Do I need to kiss it better?"

Makki laughs. "Might make it hurt less.."

I smile, pinching his cheek.

The others come down from their rooms, so we can finally start breakfast. We thank the chef for the food and start eating.

"Soo.. Coach, what's the plan for today?" I ask, taking a bite of my fluffy pancakes.

"Beach day." Mizoguchi answers. "We have volleyball on the sand planned, so dress accordingly."


When we finish up breakfast, everyone goes up to their rooms to change.

I put on a dark red bikini with strings that go around my waist. I pull my hair back into a low, messy bun, leaving some strands out in the front. Before going back downstairs, I wrap a short, black cover-up skirt around my hips.

I'm welcomed into the living room by the sight of most of the boys in their swimming shorts, shirtless.

"Nako! You look-" Oikawa starts.

"Where's Ken?"

"Jeez, could've at least let me finish my compliment." He crosses his arms. "He said he's not feeling good, so he won't come with us today."

"Oh. Let's go then!"

unrequited love ➢ 𝘵. 𝘬𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰Where stories live. Discover now