Chapter 15

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The next morning, I wake up in Kuroo's arms. He's still sleeping, so I keep my head on his chest and close my eyes but not falling back asleep.

"Baby, you up?" Kuroo asks me after a few minutes in a raspy voice.

I hum in response, butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

He releases his arms from around me and I sit up on him, pressing against his sweatpants before getting up to use the bathroom.

"You're such a tease." He perches up on his elbow.

I stick the tip of my tongue out at him and head to the bathroom. He follows behind me, slipping in with me before I can close the door.


"I don't wanna wait!"


He goes into the drawer and pulls out an extra toothbrush for me. I thank him and proceed to brush my teeth in the mirror. While doing so, Kuroo drops his pants, revealing his boxers. He then slightly pulls down his boxers in the front. I quickly avert my gaze from the mirror to the sink.

"You don't have to look away, you know."

Absolutely no way he just said that.

I frantically shake my head and finish brushing my teeth. Kuroo comes over to the sink and stands close behind me, pressing his body against mine. My face quickly heats up feeling him on me. He puts his arms around me to wash his hands, brushing his teeth once I move out of the way.

"Let's head downstairs for breakfast, yeah?" He holds a hand out to me.

I nod and grasp his hand. I grab my phone from the bedside table before we walk out the room. We head downstairs to be greeted by the boys seated on the couches watching tv or on their phones, a spot on the bigger couch left for Kuroo.

"Good morning, captain- and beautiful girl!" Yamamoto exclaims.

My eyes widen as I nervously wave to the boys while they say their 'good mornings' as Kuroo sits down, still holding my hand. I sit on him, letting my body curl up into a comfortable position. I unlock my phone to text Kentarō good morning.

Kuroo puts a hand on my thigh and rubs it.

I lightly hit it. "Tetsu." I whisper while still looking down to my phone.

"Who're you texting?"


Kuroo hums and moves a hand up the sweater, his thumb tracing a spot on my stomach. I grab his wrist and look to him, revealing his smirk. Thankfully, the chef calls us for breakfast.

I sit at the table with the Nekoma team. They talk mainly about volleyball, until a different topic comes up.

"So, Nako-Chan~ why'd you stay over last night?" Lev playfully teases. The whole table looks over to him.

"I couldn't get enough of her." Kuroo casually lets out, cutting his food into bite sized portions.

My jaw drops. Everyone's does. My face starts to burn.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding.."

Lev's questions seriously make me want to disappear from the face of the Earth. I just look down and continue eating my food, just for Kuroo to whisper in my ear.

"Stop being so shy~~"

I punch his thigh and look up to him. While he's about to say something else, I shove a piece of toast in his mouth. "Shut up."

What did I get myself into?

Their manager, Naoi, informs us that today we'll be at the indoor pool, and that a movie will be playing after dinner.

I get up from the dining room table, Kuroo doing the same. He goes upstairs and quickly changes into swimming shorts.

"I need to go grab a bathing suit for today. Wanna walk me?"

"How could I say no to you?"

I let out a giggle and entwine my fingers with Kuroo's. He walks me to the Aoba Johsai house and I open the door to see the boys heading upstairs.

"Hey, Nako's alive!" Makki exclaims.

I thin my lips at him and release my grasp on Kuroo's hand. "I won't be long, you can just wait down here, okay?"

Kuroo nods and follows me inside. He stands near the front door while I head up to my room. I look through my closet for a bathing suit for today's pool day.

After changing, I head back downstairs to see Kuroo still in the same spot, leaning against the railing of the stairs

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After changing, I head back downstairs to see Kuroo still in the same spot, leaning against the railing of the stairs. I tap his shoulder as I get to the last step, causing him to quickly turn his head "Woah."

"Is it too much? I feel so extra with this.." I adjust the cover-up skirt.

"No, no- you look amazing, as always." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and we head to the pool with the other boys.

We get there at the same time as Nekoma

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We get there at the same time as Nekoma. I sit on one of the chairs, but Kuroo picks me up and out of it.

"Hey, I was sitting here!" I cross my arms.

He sits down on the chair, grabs my waist, and sits me on his lap. We wait for the other teams to arrive before going into the pool. I'm guessing not too many players are fond of it, since there were a small amount of them here. Most of them jump into the pool.

I get up from Kuroo's lap and head over to the stairs leading into the pool. He follows fairly close behind. He towers behind me while I take a step in the pool.

"Hm, not too cold." I continue down the stairs. Kuroo stands at the edge of the pool.

"What're you waiting for?" I hold my hand out to him. He gladly takes it and steps into the pool. We make our way to the others in the deep end.

"Who wants to play Marco Polo?" Nishinoya calls out. Almost everyone replies with 'me's' except the other female managers. They quickly swim to the pool ladders and sit on the chairs, getting out of our way.

"Let's have 2 Marco's since there are a good amount of players." Watari suggests. We nod in agreement and question who should be it first.

"I'll be one." Kuroo offers and gives me a look. He's gonna use this as an excuse for something, I know it.

Lev offers to be the other one. The two boys go to the end of the pool and wait for the game to begin.

"Make sure your eyes are closed!" Makki exclaims. "And if you get tagged, hop out of the pool."

unrequited love ➢ 𝘵. 𝘬𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰Where stories live. Discover now