📝 Chapter 64. December 7, 2014 Jingle Bell Ball

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Jingle Bell Ball

London, England

December 7, 2014

(Elizabeth's perspective)

I wake up and get out of bed.

I have been feeling like I got hit by a truck. Then it hit me, "Oh." I quickly rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a pad.

I hate being a girl.

I walk out of the bathroom, my stomach growls. "Ugh." I groan grabbing on to my stomach cramps suck. It's always the first day or two that really sucks, all you want to do lay in your bed and do nothing.

"Hey Taylor do we have any medicine for cramps?" I ask walking into the kitchen looking threw the cabinet.

"I think so." Taylor said. I found the box. I grabbed one pile and I filled a glass with water and took it. When I drank the glass of water some of it started to go back up my throat but I swallowed. I shivered as I covered my mouth to make sure I don't gag.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just nauseous got my period this morning." I said putting the cup on the counter. My stomach gurgled really loud.

"ugh." I groaned holding on to my stomach.

"Oh want me to make you some oat meal to help ease your stomach?" Taylor asked.

"Yes that will help thanks Taylor." I said.

"No problem." Taylor said.

Taylor got out a pot and starting making the oat meal. "How do you or any other female artist perform while you are on your period? I would be dieing in pain." I said Taylor laughed.

"You are starting to talk like my fans." Taylor said.

"Well I should know there jokes and stuff now that I am living here." I said.

"Very true. Oh speaking of you should know our inside jokes, I can show you one now." Taylor said typing on her phone.

"Read this." Taylor said handing me her phone. 

'This is a picture of my friend Becky. She used to be happy. Popular girl until one day she snorted mariujanna  at a party. She died instantly. Please don't do mariujanna. It's the most dangerous drug out there. Please don't wine up like Becky.

I'm pretty sure that is Taylor Swift.

No it's Becky.'

I look down at the picture and it shows a young picture of Taylor. I start laughing.

"Who made this?!" I asked laughing.

"One of my fans made it on tumblr then it became a inside joke to all of my fans. When I joined tumblr I found it and I though it was funny as well. When the fans found out that I found out they freaked out. I even made a shirt saying No It's Becky out in public and paparazzi took a picture of me wearing it. When that photo went out my fandom exploded." Taylor said laughing. 

"That's funny." I said.

"I see signs at my shows saying 'No It's Becky' that my fans make. It so funny." Taylor said.

"The oat meal is done." Taylor said getting a bowl.

She powered some into a bowl and handed it to me,"Here you go." She said.

"Thanks." I said grabbing the bowl and getting a spoon. I sit down at the table and start eating,

"Oh I almost forgot!" Taylor said.

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