1. Cold Coffee and an Aching Heart

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Nico's POV:

Today has gone to shit. Pure and utter shit. I check my phone again. And again. I let five minutes pass. Ten. Fifteen. Where is he? I glance at the bouquet of flowers on the table in front of me. He said he'd be here! I can feel the anger bubbling inside of me but I push it down, far, far down. I glance around, stirring my now-cold coffee. Gods, the restaurant workers must be pissing their pants with laughter right now. "Look at that scrawny kid, waiting for no one, ordering nothing but coffee. What a loser." they're probably tittering behind the counter. I sigh. Maybe this is for the best. I don't need him, right? I'll be fine on my ow-

"Hi. Can I sit here?"

I glance up and then do a double-take. Oh my Gods. He's the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. With perfectly tousled blonde hair, freckles dusting his face and azure eyes, he topped every crush I'd ever had. And he wants to sit with me? No, this must be a mistake. Maybe he's mistaking me for someone else...? Maybe he's talking to someone behind me? I turn around and upon seeing no-one there, turn back, to be met with the handsome stranger... laughing?

Freckles softly crinkling on his face, he struggled to gain his composure. "Sorry, sorry, you just- looked so confused-" He laughed again and I couldn't help but think how cute he looked.

What is wrong with you? You don't even know him! He could be a psycho axe killer for all you know! I mentally scold myself.

By now, he's regained his composure and holds a hand out sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I'm Will. I thought you looked a little lonely so I decided to come say hi." I gingerly take it, his grip strong, and his hand surprisingly warm. He smiles. I melt inside but Hell if I'd let him know that.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and lean back as casually as I can with him right in front of me. "Well, now that you said hi, you're done here right?" His face falls and I suddenly feel a pang of guilt. He was just trying to be nice wasn't he? No! You don't even know him! He might just be putting on an act!

He internally struggles for words before settling on, "Oh... I was wondering if I could join you? Since I'm on break... " Break? What's he- Oh... I look at his clothes, just now noticing the restaurant logo on his button-up t-shirt.

I sigh, acting nonchalant, when inside I feel like dancing with happiness. Do I even know how to dance? Whatever. He wants to sit with me! But you don't even know- I push the intruding thoughts to the back of my mind and nod.

"Yeah... Sure, I guess." He grins at me and sits down opposite from me. So, since you know my name... What's yours?"

I take a sip of my coffee, the bitter drink now cold.

Should I tell him? I can tell him right? Whatever. I'm gonna tell him.

"Nico. Nico di Angelo" He smiles and mouths my name to himself, the gesture so adorable I have to stifle a smile. Since when did I like this stranger? Do I even like him? Oh my Gods, I do like him... I nod.

"So... you work here?" He sighs and crosses his legs in his chair, the most informal thing he could do at the place he literally works in.

He nods. "Yeah, to pay off student loans, this is one of my many, many jobs."


"Yeah, I have- what? Four jobs now? And more that I've applied for, just waiting for a response."

"Gods... That's a lot of jobs for a student. Sounds like you don't get much free time, huh?"

Although I meant it to be lighthearted, he sighs. "Yeah. It's kinda a lot." Realizing how serious he's getting he cracks a smile. "Well. Nothing's too hard for ol' Will here. I'm tough as nails." He flexes and my eyes linger on his muscles before bringing them to his face. What did he say again? Nails, something, something?

"Yeah." Although I have no idea what he just said.

He cracks a small, secret smile, as if he knows, and I can't help but smile at the handsome stranger. His eyes light up and he looks like he's about to say somethin-

"SOLACE!" I hear a voice roar from the backrooms.

"Shit. Shit, sorry, that's my boss, I have to go, can I give you my number, okay cool, here-" He stands up, pulls a pen out of seemingly nowhere, and quickly scribbles down his number on a napkin, and although I didn't really ask for it, I'm secretly pleased. A cute guy gave me his phone number!

"Oh! And I was just wondering, would you like to go out with me later? Think about it." He winks at me before swiftly leaning down to kiss my cheek, simultaneously dropping the napkin in my lap. "See you around, cutie"

Did he just ask me out?! I feel my face flush and I do all I can to prevent myself from melting into a blushing mess. I turn the napkin over, to be greeted by a 'Call me? x' and eleven neat cursive numbers. I grin to myself. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

(910 words, 4720 characters)


hi everyone! i'll try to keep this as short as possible 'cause long A/Ns annoy me too hsjsjs

anyways, i'm fatema, and I'm the author of this mess. I know there are a lot of solangelo one-shot fics out there but why not add one more? so here i am. this is my second work (my last I did about a year or two ago) and i'm open to suggestions for new chapters and criticism is also appreciated! i write mostly from writing prompts, so if they're inspired by a prompt or another fic, i'll be sure to link it and/or give credit! and don't worry, i'll cut down on the long-ass A/Ns next time-

thanks for reading, have a great day/night!

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