The Misadventures Of Shyla And Davie. [6]

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Davie's POV::

"Damn.. Damn! DAMNIT!" The zombie killed me and Shyla giggled.

"I got farther than youu!" she teased.

I growled and pushed her lightly before handing off the controller. She poked her tounge out and flipped her hair out of her face. With a turn, she faced the screen and was back at being her bad-self. That girl is extremely gifted with Resident Evil games and such. I'm jealous.

I alternated in watching the screen or her. Her eyes were set in grim determination and she bit her lower lip every time she was in a tight spot. On screen, she was dominating. Like usual. Shyla has beastly fingers and gaming techniques. I have yet to persuade her to share them with me.

She cleared the level we'd been stuck on.

"Woo! Go Shy!" I said, flashing a thumbs-up. It earned me one of her eyerolls.

I chuckled. She threw the white and green controller at me softly. When it landed on my lap, I snapped it up and started the new level. See, we absolutely have to beat this game. Its a must. I heard a girly yawn. Probably getting tired.. I thought. Sure enough, when I hit a checckpoint, I saw she had lain down and was already half-asleep. I saved, and hating myself for wrecking such a beautiful image, I shook her by the shoulder.

"Shylaaaaa." I sang softly into her ear. "C'mon hun, I've got your surprise."

Shyla stirred and sat up, hitting my chin with her head.

"Owwieeee." she whimpered, bringing both hands to her head.

"I'm sorry!" I said before pulling her up. She gave me a slightly evil glare.

"Carry me?" she questioned, holding her arms out.

I sighed overexaggeratedly, and picked her up as gracefully as I could manage.

Her head rested on my shouler, against my neck. It felt so right. I wondered what could possibly happen if I took the leap of faith and asked her out. Not important. It would never, EVER, happen, I decided. I started towards the staircase with a slow steady walk. The same walk was used up the stairs, I didn't want to trip and kill us both. In the hallway that the stairs opened into, I walked a little faster toward my room. I kicked the door open, shaky on one leg. I set her down carefully in one of the chairs I had over in a corner. She opened her eyes slightly. Without acknowledging that she had opened them, I pulled out a notebook. I leafed through it, finally stopping on a page with two rectangular pieces of paper paperclipped to the page. I turned, and showed her the tickets. Her barely open eyes turned into wide open eyes, and she grabbed the tickets from me.

"P-P-Plane tickets?!" Shyla said, disbelievingly.

I nodded. "First stop, Milwaukee. Second stop, New York. Third stop, wherever we decide to go. The first flight leaves on the 29th." I stared at a signed CD on my wall.

"Next Wednesday.." Shyla said, staring at the tickets.

Out of nowhere, she tackled me. I gasped as she hugged me.

"You're the best!" she screamed.

I laughed.

"I know."

She nodded quickly before whispering something.

"I'm tired. Can I sleep next to you?"

She didn't need to ask. She didn't even wait for an answer. Within seconds, I had her body snuggled up against mine. I grinned. This was amazing. I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight.." she whispered.

"Goodnight." I replied before slipping away into sleep.


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