Chapter 9: The question

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Hey Guys and Girls. Here is the third chapter now. I hope you enjoy it. I will try to update again soon, but I can't promise it. I will try my best though.

See you in the next chapter, Caro :D

Anti POV

An hour earlier

Jack was just talking to Mark while I was nervously in Jack's body. I listened to their little conversations and rubbed my arms slightly before putting my hands in my jacket pockets. Afterwards I thought about how my evening with Dark would be going tonight and had to smile slightly before I briefly frowned. With a sigh I closed my eyes for a second and fetched a small box from my right jacket pocket. Carefully I moved my thumb over the black box with slightly trembling fingers before pulling it to my chest. //Everything will go well. You have planned it carefully... Why am I still so nervous?//, I thought and stared anxiously at my feet. Then I put the box away again and finally got up. Then I shook my head briefly and took a deep breath. A few seconds later I heard my conversation with Jack again, which we had a few days ago.


Jack and I were in the middle of class when my partner noticed how I was much calmer than usual. Carefully my partner asked: //"Anti? Is everything okay with you? You're pretty quiet. Normally you liked to make some comments about the lesson now and then."// //"Uhm... I ... I only ... I'm just thinking something over."//, I answered him while still being immersed in my thoughts. Jack hummed lightly and leaned back more in his chair. Shortly afterwards Jack wanted to know: //"Do you want to talk about it?"// //"I don't really know..."//, I meant and sat down before hugging my knees. Now my second half was really worried and told me: //"Anti please talk to me. Whatever is bothering you right now, it is really dragging you down quite a bit."// //"Well... it's nothing bad Jack. It... just makes me nervous."//, I finally admitted. Jack then calmed down slightly and it rolled gently from his lips: //"I'm here for you buddy. You can talk to me about anything."//

//"I... I don't know if I should make a marriage proposal to Dark and if so, how I should do it."//, burst it finally out of me and I hid my face in my knees. A few seconds later I felt Jack retreat into his thoughts and hugged me right afterwards. Slightly confused but also relieved I returned the hug and closed my eyes. When I calmed down slightly Jack whispered in my ear: "Anti... you don't have to drag yourself down with this. Dark and you are soulmates. Why are you so worried about this?" "I...Dark is so relaxed and laid back about our relationship and I'm scared... if I ask him to go this next step with me too fast that I am pushing him into a situation he doesn't want. I don't want to do anything wrong.", I explained to my partner. My second half rubbed my back carefully and stayed quiet for a while before he moved away from me. Jack looked me deep in the eyes and said to me: "You don't need to be afraid of asking him. Dark loves you. He won't leave you or get distant because you wanted to ask him now if he wanted to take the next step with you." Jack's words calmed me down more and I nodded afterwards. "You're right. Thank you for helping me realize that I was scared of something stupid.", I told my partner. Jack then talked a bit more with me about this, which I appreciated.

Flashback to the end

"I can do this. Jack said nothing should go wrong. There is no reason to be nervous about this.", rolled it from my lips. I then realized that Jack and Mark had arrived at their date location and took another deep breath. Determined I said to myself: "Everything will be fine. Now or never." Shortly after I parted from Jack's body and stood next to my second half. Opposite us were Mark and now also Dark. With a smile I looked at my soulmate and without saying a word our partners allowed us to have a nice evening together too. Dark immediately took my hand into his and led me down the hill full of flowers into the forest. I felt my nervousness coming up again, but I didn't let myself get dragged down by it again. Motivated I grabbed Dark's hand more tightly and moved closer to my boyfriend. Dark looked over to me slightly and I noticed his delicate smile, which he only puts on for me.

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