Welcome to hogwarts

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I woke up. That's how every story starts right, well this isn't a normal story in fact it begins at my home the place I got a letter. From hogwarts, it says "You Hope riddle have been excepted into hogwarts. We have decided to forgot your family and their past and allow you to be taught magic in the proper way every other student should be. Welcome.
The list of supplies you will need are:
•a want
• A familiar
•school books
• a robe
We are looking forward to seeing you very soon,
Sincerely, Professor dumbledor"
Yes, I am Tom riddles Daughter also known as Voldemort or "He who must not be named." My father was a very powerful wizard so maybe I am too, I will soon find that out.
later that evening
I have no idea where I'm supposed to find any of this stuff in london. Suddenly around the corner "Mom?" I say in surprise hugging my mother as she replies " Hello hope I'm here to help gather your supplies for hogwarts" we slowly let go of each other locking eyes as we speak "how do you even know I got in?" I ask very confused " word travels fast in the wizard world" she replies with a sort of mysterious look in her eyes. "now let's get going you are going to need your beauty sleep tonight for tomorrow" she says and I reply looking around London" So where do we start?" My mother takes me by my hand and takes me to a seems to be dead end. "Um mother, this is a dead en-" I say but pause as she taps on the brick wall in a kind of pattern and the wall moves into an arch way allowing us to go into this alley "Welcome to diagon alley, home of everything you may need for hogwarts" she says walking through the arch way with me still attached to her arm. "Wow it's so-" I say but my mother finishes my sentence"Magical" I look at my mother for a second then look back to the scenery that surrounds me and consumes me. "Now hope let's find those things on your list" my mother says taking the letter out from my hands a looking at them then looking up to find the stores. "Ollivanders for your wand" she takes my hand and walks over to the store. I hear whispers and screams around the stores "BELLATRIX LESTRANGE!" "I didn't know she had a daughter?!" "Isn't that Hope Riddle"
My mother looks at me and grabs my hand tighter and pulls me into the shop slamming the door shut behind us. "Welcome to- oh my god. GET OUT OF MY STORE BELLATRIX!" Ollivander looks up at my mother then down at me " Please sir i got accepted into hogwarts and I need my first wand and my mother is only helping me" I look up at Him worried he will kick us out and I won't be able to get my wand. "Oh alright, but you are lucky that you are going to hogwarts which means I have no choice but to give you your first want as it is a necessity. Come on up here hope" he smiles rolling his eyes. I turn around looking at my mother and smiling trying to make her feel at least the slightest bit better. Yes I do believe in the villains not actually being villains just being broken. He gets down a wand and passes it to me "give it a wave then" I wave the wand and smash a few vases as I do. I place the wand carefully on the counter "that doesn't seem to be the one. He reaches for another one and this one seems very lovely , now just to find out if I chooses me. I wave the wand and no vases smash I get this wonderful feeling and a gush of wind comes from my wand blowing my hair out of my face. "That seems to be the one, and it would make sense as it is one out of two of the only ones that exist and it's descendant was your fathers" Ollivander says looking at me painfully. I turn to my mother smiling and surprisingly she is smiling back. As I'm looking at my mother I see someone staring at me through the window. I place the wand on the counter whilst my mother pays for it I go outside to find a blonde headed boy staring at me. "I- I'm very sorry Riddle I uh didn't mean to seem creepy" he says. "It is alright. Now who are you?" I reply looking at him in confusion and the glisten in my eyes make him feel safe. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he tells me holding out his hand wanting me to shake it . I grab his hand and he is freezing but I continue to shake it. "Nice to meet you Malfoy" we smile at each other abs my mother comes out of the shop behind me. "Ah I see you've met Draco" she smiles suspiciously at Malfoy. "Let's go find the other things on your list Hope" she says grabbing my arm as I look at Malfoy. "See you at School Malfoy" I continue to walk and my mother lets go of me. "What was that about mother?" I say looking up at her. "Nothing sweetie" she says and she is silent for the rest of the day as we find the rest of my things and go towards the exit of diagon ally.
Time to go home and get some beauty sleep sweetie I look at her then head back the way I came smiling back at her and waving "Bye mother"

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