A long day

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I wake up in my bed, but I don't remember going to bed. I must have fallen asleep and Draco put me in bed. He can be sweet sometimes, when he wants to be. I screech in pain as I clasp my left wrist looking down at it. "how is this possible? Why now?" I say looking at the dark mark on my wrist. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I faint on my bed. Draco bursts through the door to see if I'm awake but he notices the Dark mark on my wrist and falls against the wall. Pansy comes rushing to the door just like everyone else. "How is this possible?" Draco yells as tears fall out of his eyes. "She is his daughter. And he is dead why does she get this now and what does this mean?" He runs over to me trying to wake me up.  " HOPE. WAKE UP!"  He shakes me repeating the same words over and over again trying to wake me up. After hours of the same words being yelled at the top of Draco's lungs and Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Lucius Malfoy turning up into my dorm room, I wake up. I wake up calmly looking around the room before sitting up. "What's going on?" I say pulling my sleeve down looking over at Draco with tears still streaming down his face but his face in awe before he stands up and yells "WHAT IS GOING ON?! YOU WOULDN'T WAKE UP FOR HOURS. I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" I look at him blankly as Professor Dumbledore puts a hand on Draco's shoulder moving him backwards and telling him "calm down Draco we understand how painful the past few hours were for you but you need to give her a minute, she doesn't seem to know what's going on herself" he says calmly before looking up at me. " oh I know what's going on Professor. I got my dark mark, finally after this long. And don't you worry I'm better than ok Professor. I'm fantastic and powerful." I say as the ground shakes. I smile winking at Draco disappearing in a cloud of smoke. I appear in the corridor which leads to charms class which we should be in right now. I walk in, everyone turns and looks at me. " why you so late miss Riddle?" Professor Flitwick asks looking very disappointed at me. "Oh I passed out for a few hours sir, but the main thing is that I'm here isn't it Professor." I say cockily as everyone continues to look at me. I smile "oh come on get over yourself" I take out my wand and wave it to turn everyone back around. I walk over to my seat and sit down slouched. After a while Draco, Professor Dumbledore , Professor Snape and Lucius Malfoy turn up at the door. I turn around, "oh hello, looks like you finally made it" I say waving my wand and my lips form the words "Petrificus Totalus" everyone in the room apart from the small group gathered at the door freezes. I form a smirk on my face looking at Draco as he find it difficult to make eye contact with me. "Get her" Professor Dumbledore whispers to Lucius and Snape. The smirk fades off my face as Lucius and Snape quickly walk towards me grabbing me by the wrists making sure I can't move. The wand falls out of my hand and it's the floor. I groan as I try to wriggle free. "LET GO OF ME!" I say still trying to escape. Draco looks away with pain in his eyes scrunching up his face as Professor Dumbledore walks over to me with his wand in hand. He holds the wand to my Dark mark and attempts to remove it. I scream in pain and Draco suddenly gives up listening to me scream in pain and walks away. After a few attempts I collapse to the floor.
                             After a few hours.
I wake up laid on my bed again the same place I fainted in the first place. I look up and see Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Lucius Malfoy, no Draco. "Where's Draco?" I ask sitting myself up but getting pushed back down by Lucius. "No you must lay down The attempts to remove your dark mark were quite painful so you need rest to be at your full strength. And about Malfoy." He says taking a seat on the bed beside me " He ran off when you were screaming in pain and no one has seen him since-" he says but is cut of by Draco walking through the door. "I'm right here Love" he says looking in my eyes trying to smile but the pain in his eyes prevent a smile from forming. "Oh Draco" I say as he walks over and I swing my arms around him. "It's alright now, I'm ok" as I swing my arms around Draco I notice a faint scar of the Dark mark on my wrist. I remove my arms from around draco and look at my wrist. "It's still there, does that mean that there's still parts of me Filled with dark magic?" I ask looking at Dumbledore. He shakes his head "no all the dark magic was removed which is why it is faint and looks more like a scar" he says and Draco looks at me and smiles "a cool scar, better than potters" he says and I smile looking at him clutching his hand. "Now we must leave you to get some rest but if you may, you could talk to Draco first just go to sleep as soon as you can as today was quite a lot for you Riddle. You need some rest" Dumbledore says as he leaves my room followed by Snape and Lucius. "You are alright aren't you Hope?" Draco asks sitting on the bed, next to me. "yes Draco I'm alright. A bit overwhelmed but alright" I say as he lays beside he and I snuggle into his chest and he puts his arms around me. "I love every part of you Hope Riddle, even the bad parts"

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