The trio

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It's quite late and I'm sat beside the window with my cat next to me. I'm watching out of the window, thinking. Malfoy was so rude to me yet he still told the nerd trio to get lost, I mean he included me but not until he told the others to get lost. Could that mean something or am I just being stupid. He told us all to get lost and me to go into my room and never come out again. He has some nerve saying that to me knowing who I am. I mean I'm pretty sure he worked for my father and was against everything he did. He couldn't even kill Dumbledore, snape had to do it! A tear rolls down my face and I wipe it away confused. Why am I crying? I'm not upset I'm angry. No I'm furious. Everyone would be asleep by now but in the morning I am going to destroy Draco Malfoy piece by piece.
In the morning
I wake up to the sound of a deathening alarm. "WHO EVERS THAT IS TURN IT OFF!" I yell at the top of my lungs covering my ears with a pillow. "it's time for you to get up Riddle. Now get up before I drag you out of bed myself" Malfoy says in his sooo charming voice. I take the pillow off of my head and throw it at Malfoy. "Get. Lost. Malfoy!" I say pausing after each word. He scowls and walks out of the room. I get up and get changed into my uniform. I walk outside my room fully dressed and looking smart. "Ew go change you look disgusting" Malfoy says laughing with crabbe and Goyle. "I look the same as you do but I'm wearing a skirt." I say rolling my eyes but walking towards the door and Malfoy grabs me on the shoulder. "I'd look better in a skirt. And we have potions first with Professor snape. I would wish you luck but you don't deserve it" Malfoy says letting go of my shoulder allowing me to walk out of the common room.
In potions class
I take my seat as far away from Malfoy as I can and turns out It gets worse. I'm sat next to Potter. I look over at Snape as he makes his entrance. Very dramatic as always. He stops as he gets to the front and stares at me. "Miss riddle." He says and I look up at him everyone staring at me. "Yes Professor" I say smirking. "I need to talk to you in my office after class." He says in his usual tone but with a more serious facial expression. We eventually carry on with the lesson. "Today we are making ammortentia" he says staring at me with this sort of glisten in his eyes. Kinda creepy. I recognise the name ammortentia. Draco looks over at me and smirks. "Does anyone know what ammortentia is?" He asks and Hermionie puts her hand up straight away and smiles. "Yes hermionie" snape says and hermionie replies " ammortentia is a love potion sir. You smell it and what ever it smells of is supposed to represent your soulmate sir" she says acting all proud and smart and honestly it makes me sick. "Well done hermionie. Miss riddle may you come and tell us what you smell" Snape says looking in my direction making everyone's eyes turn over to me. I get up and walk over to the couldren. " I smell mint, toothpaste, citrus and strong cologne" I say and catch a glimpse of Malfoy smiling to himself. "Thank you miss Riddle" Snape says watching Malfoy.
                               After potions
I'm walking towards Snapes office as he wanted to speak to me. "Ah hello miss Riddle please come in" I hear Snape say as soon as I get to the door and the door swings open."Please take a seat,I have prepared you some tea" he says walking to his seat. I walk over to the seat and grab the tea he prepared me. "So Professor what did you want to talk about" I say taking a sip of my tea. "You and Malfoy. I know you smelt him in that ammortentia" he says with a sign of jealousy in his face. "Yes Malfoy can be quite rude and disrespectful sometimes but I think i have fallen for him and his wicked ways Professor" I say realising what I just said and what Snape put In my tea. Clasping my hand over my mouth after putting the tea on the table. "ahh classic veritaserum" he says looking at me smirking. I remove my hands from my face and look at him with disbelief. "I'm leaving." I say getting up out of my seat. "How long does that potion last sir?" I ask frowning down at him. "2 hours Miss Riddle. Try not to bump into Malfoy" he says smirking knowing I will. I leave the office and walk down the hall towards the common room. And of course I bump into Malfoy. "Hello there riddle. What did professor snape want you for?" Malfoy asks and I reply "to ask about me and you. And honestly Malfoy I'm-" I clasp my hands around my mouth before anymore words fall out. "Go on. Finish the sentence Riddle" he says pushing me against the wall with both hands at each side of my head. "I dare you" he says knowing how awkward it was making me. "IM IN LOVE WITH YOU OK!" I yell at the top of my lungs and clench my eyes shut in embarrassment. I feel Malfoys hand on my cheek and his thumb brushes past my lips. I slowly open my eyes and Malfoy is staring at my lips leaning in closer but slowly. I grab his shirt and pull him onto my lips closing my eyes and he closes his. He pulls away and says "I think I'm in love with you Riddle. I've known you longer than you think I have. We didn't just meet outside of Ollivanders and I know you know that too. We met a year ago. When your father was killed." He says and I look away. I do know that we met a year ago, I just didn't want to remember that moment of my fathers death and that includes everyone I met. I wanted a fresh start with Malfoy. Turns out he's just as mean as everyone thinks he is. But I know who he really is inside and deep down. And I love that part of him. I love every part of My Malfoy.

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