I walked through the school door, my headphones blasting Stand Tall through my ears. I had recorded it with the guys a couple days before our performance at the Orpheum. I couldn't help but move to the music, something about music always connected to my soul. It was also a great distraction from what was going on with Luke at the moment, I couldn't help but wondering where he was. I hated that I had to be at school right now, I wish I could just be out looking for Luke with Alex and Reggie.
I reached my locker, putting in the code, pulling it open searching for my math book ready for first period. Without thinking I started tapping out the rhythm for a song I had been working on with Luke before last night. It was so unique, I just miss writing songs with him already. It was never just sitting down and writing, it was full of laughing, dancing and throwing things at each other. Some of the happiest memories since my mum died were writing with Luke.
"Hey Julie." I heard a voice call, turning to my right Nick was leant up against the locker next to mine.
"Uh hey Nick, what's up?"
"Nothing just wanted to say again how awesome you did playing at the Orpheum last night. Did you like the flowers I brought over this morning?"
"Yeah, they were great. Thanks"
"Anyway I've got to head off to class I'll see you around." Nick ended with a wink.
I couldn't place it but something was so off about Nick, he just wasn't himself today. Just in the way he spoke and what he did, he has never acted like that around me, like at all. As the bell rang I quickly scooped up my books running to my math class before I was late.
Before I realised what time it was I could hear students and teachers starting to move around the school. Crap. I was so distracted writing this song that I lost track of time. I knew I could have just poofed out of there straight away but part of me couldn't do that. I wanted no needed to see Julie. I just wanted to make sure she was doing okay after everything that went down last night. Knowing that no one else could see me made this whole sneaking around thing a lot easier but I couldn't run into Julie. As much as I wanted to see her I just can't face her right now. I slowly moved out of the auditorium towards where I knew Julie's locker was, I couldn't help but smile just remembering the conversation we had there a couple weeks back. As I reached her locker I was carefully keeping an eye out for her incase she got here early for a change. I ran my hand over the front of her locker that she had decorated in a definite Julie style. I turned around looking for a spot that I would be able to hide before Julie went to class so I could leave without being seen. I spotted Julie making her way towards her locker, her eyes were shut as she danced around with her headphones in her ears.
I moved as quickly as possible hiding behind a wall that was near Julie's locker. As I saw her getting organised for her day I kept smiling at all the little things she did, like crinkle her nose when she was looking for a book she couldn't see or when she was getting distracted and drumming a rhythm against her locker. Before I knew it I saw a familiar head of blonde hair standing next to Julie's locker. Nick. Although it was funny watching this guy constantly strike out with Julie I couldn't help but be jealous. The fact that he can be seen with her, people can see them together. It just reminded me of what I can't have. The one major con to my ever having anything other than friendship with Julie, I'm dead and she's not. I don't know how we could ever move past that. Julie deserves everything in life, to experience in all. I don't even know if what I have can be called a life now. As I saw Julie moving towards her first class I vanished out of the hallway going to the place I felt most at home, the garage.

The Spark: Julie and the Phantoms
FanficA Juke fanfiction. Julie and the boys start navigating their relationships with each other and the life they are now living. Why are they able to hug Julie now? What happens between Julie and Luke? Are the guys becoming lifers or are they still ghos...