Chapter XX

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The boys and I walked up to the front door of my house, as we stood in front of the door I don't think any of us was really ready for this. As I stared at the door it dawned on me.

"Guys what if my dad can't see Alex and Reggie?" I asked, suddenly even more nervous.

I saw Luke, Reggie and Alex all become much more aware of their current predicament. All of them are suddenly more nervous than before.

I took the responsibility to open the door and lead the way inside the house. The boys followed behind me, all of them a lot more quiet than I had got used to being around them. I called out to my dad saying we were coming inside.

"It's almost ready Julie, you guys can take a seat at the table." Dad called back in reply.

I gave the boys a reassuring smile as we made our way over to the table. I took the seat closest to my dad's seat, Luke sat on the other side of me. Reggie sat on the other side of my dad and Alex pulled up a chair next to Reggie.

Carlos made his way into the room after we had all sat down. A shocked look made its way across his face when he saw all the boys sitting at our dinner table.

"Oh hey bro, uh this is Reggie, Alex and Luke." I informed him by gesturing towards each guy.

Carlos just stood there still in shock. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind. I never got the chance to talk to Carlos about whatever he wanted to talk about after our Orpheum concert. We both had gotten so busy, I almost forgot until now. Finally breaking out of his shock Carlos moved to sit next to Alex.


I could see that Reggie and Alex were both shocked that Carlos could even see them

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I could see that Reggie and Alex were both shocked that Carlos could even see them. I guess after spending so much time with people not being able to see you it would be so weird. I couldn't even imagine how much this change could affect everything for these guys. I spotted Dad in the kitchen as he was collecting multiple dishes to bring out to the table. Standing up quickly I moved into the kitchen to grab the other dishes that Dad couldn't grab on his own.

Dad and I placed all the dishes on the table along with all the cutlery and plates for everyone. I couldn't help but softly giggle at how excited Reggie was getting when he saw my dad walk in the room. I knew he had got super close to him since he had become a ghost.

"Dad, this is Reggie and Alex and you already met Luke."

My dad smiled at Reggie and Alex sticking his hand out to shake. Reggie jumped up quickly though wrapping his arms around my dad pulling him into a hug. I could tell my dad had not expected that reaction but he was always kind to reciprocate affection. I could see Alex rolling his eyes and Luke trying hard to hold in his laughter.

Reggie pulled away realising what he had done. Trying to cover his actions he spoke up quickly, "sorry I'm a hugger."

As Reggie sat down again I heard Alex mutter 'no you're not', Reggie looked over at him with one of the sweetest death glares I had ever seen. No matter how hard Reggie tried he could never look really angry. Alex reached his hand back out to shake my dads.

Finally we had all sat down for the meal. Oh crap. What if they couldn't eat the food. I have never seen these guys eat any food before. They were still ghosts, what if my dad said something, oh no we are gonna get busted.

Before my thoughts became all consuming my dad spoke up as the boys carefully moved food onto their plates.

"So where are you guys staying while you are in town?"

Reggie, Alex and Luke all looked at one another. Clearly we had not prepared enough for this dinner.

"Oh uh...we hadn't really got anything planned. We just wanted to come out here and surprise Julie." Luke jumped in.

"Don't be silly guys, you are more than welcome to stay here. You can use the guestroom or the garage whatever is more comfortable."

"Oh thanks Mr Molina," Alex added.

"Oh please call me Ray."

I looked down the table seeing Carlos studying Alex sitting next to him. I watched as he tried to gently poke his arm with his finger. Gosh I have such a weird brother.

"So tell me boys how did you guys meet Julie. Obviously you guys are all the way from Sweden so how did that all happen?"

I knew my dad was holding in so many questions that he knew I would have dodged if he had pushed onto me. I started getting more nervous with each question that he pushed onto the boys. I didn't know what was going to come out of any of their mouths.

Alex thought quickly and came up with an answer to my dad's question. "Uh well we were all born here in Los Angeles and always played music together. We all actually have a mutual friend that put us in contact with Julie because she made incredible music. We only heard about her mum passing away about 11 months after it did, so we got in contact with Julie and yeah...everything went from there." Alex finished so expertly.

My leg continued to bounce harder as my nerves started getting the best of me.

"Oh that's so lovely, I am so grateful for all that you guys have done to help get my Julie back into her music. So what have you guys got planned for while you are here?" My dad more so addressed Reggie and Alex.

I couldn't stop bouncing my leg and fidget with the small rip at the top of my jeans. I don't think I have ever been this anxious in my life. I saw Luke slyly keeping an eye on me from the corner of my eyes. I smiled lightly when I noticed but my leg didn't stop.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand resting against my knee. I looked over to the arm that was connected to my leg, knowing that it belonged to Luke. I felt his thumb rub over my knee in a comforting action. I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face that was a small thank you to Luke. His touch had instantly calmed all my nerves. I reached my other hand down under the table placing it on top of Lukes, lacing my fingers between his. I looked up at him seeing the blush on his cheeks and his usually wide and warm smile. I watched Luke try to take a mouthful of his dinner, I was nervous that this might not work. Luke looked like a kid on Christmas the moment the food entered his mouth. I could tell that being able to eat again was going to be a huge and expensive deal to the guys.

I felt Luke's thumb still rubbing against my leg as I glanced over at my dad who was still talking to Reggie and Alex. I noticed that he was flicking his eyes down to where mine and Luke's arms had disappeared under the table. He had that annoying parental knowitall look on his face. Although I noticed it was replaced with a happy smile as he turned back to the guys continuing whatever story he was telling.

When out of nowhere we all looked over at the door. When the doorbell had chimed. This definitely wasn't Auntie, she always came in without knocking. I looked over at everyone else at the table, no one knew who was there. As far as we all knew this was everyone that was supposed to come over tonight.

Who could be at the door?




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