Once Reggie had put his guitar down Luke followed suit leaning it against the amp in a somewhat aggressive way. It was still so silent and uncomfortable out here. I wanted nothing more than to just hide away in my room right now. The tension kept getting more and more thick, you could almost cut it with a knife. Luke was busying himself pretending to move around the instruments and sheets of music but was clearly just waiting for me to leave the room. I didn't know anymore if what I was feeling was sadness that Luke was clearly shutting me out or if I was starting to get frustrated because I didn't do anything. I looked over at Alex and Reggie who were standing off to the side whispering to each other. I gave them a knowing look, pleading for their help.
"Nah we're out," Alex said before he walked out of the room.
Reggie stood there for a moment, both Luke and I looking at him. "Wait up," Reggie called to talk to Alex as he disappeared as fast as he could out the door.
Luke and I caught each other's gaze as we turned away from the door. Luke broke it as quickly as he could walking to the opposite side of the room to me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. No need to question it anymore I was getting mad now.
"What is your problem?" I called out sick of this awkward tension and silence.
"Nothing." Luke responded not even bothering to look at me.
"Seriously? You wanna pretend like this is how you always act. Luke I know you."
"You don't know anything about me Julie."
"Yes I do."
"Oh yeah prove it."
"You love playing music when no one is in here and dancing around the room like crazy. You care about so many people because you can't help but want to feel connected to people. You hate whenever I make a PB and J sandwich and add some chocolate syrup to it cause you think it's disgusting. And most importantly I know that when something is wrong you can try to hide it because you don't like to talk about your own feelings, you'd rather write music than talk. But you and I need to talk, you need to tell me what is going on." I ranted, I honestly didn't even know what I was saying for most of that.
Luke stood there speechless for a moment, I could see his brain trying to process and come up with his next move.
"Julie I really don't want to talk about this. Especially not with you."
"Especially not with me? What the heck does that mean Luke. You talk to me all the time but all of a sudden you can't be open with me."
"No, I don't want to talk about this."
"Luke we need to talk about this, I don't know why you are so mad at me."
"I'm not mad at you." Luke lied straight through his teeth.
"You are mad at me."
"Okay I'm mad at you. I'm so so mad at you."
"Why?" I needed to know. "Luke please tell me. We've always been honest with each other."
Luke stood there, the room filled with silence again. I hated this, I hated not knowing and more than anything I hate that he is mad at me. Before I could stop myself I walked over to Luke on the other side of the room. I was close enough to know that he was seething.
"Why?" I asked again.
Still no reply.
"Why?" I spoke again with more aggression in my voice. "Why Luke!"
"BECAUSE I FOUND YOUR SONG PERFECT HARMONY. Hmmmm how do you think that made me feel huh. After all this time you go and write that."
My heart broke at what I heard him say. I was so mad about his invasion of my privacy but how could he say that. I thought there was more to us than just friends, I thought it was something deeper than we would even know what to do with. I guess I was wrong.
Luke spoke up again, "we say we're friends, we play pretend. Really Julie, I can't believe you."
Luke had tears brimming in the corner of his eyes.
"I can't believe you Luke, I can't believe you would say all this. I thought you were supposed to be my friend, my band mate. How could you even betray me? You went snooping around my room again and then pretend like you are allowed to be mad at me." I shouted at him losing all my control.
"Oh yeah and what were you going to keep this from me. Pretend to string me along when this is how you really feel." Luke shouted back.
I jumped a bit at his raised voice, I have never heard Luke get this mad before.
"What are you talking about? I'm stringing you along? What are you talking about? Why are you so mad at me Luke? I'm so confused about what is going on here." I began to have a shaky voice feeling the tears starting to roll down my cheeks.
"Like you don't know, I know who you like Julie. I know who the song is about. I can't believe you would even like this guy and not ever mention it. I thought we were closer than that. I thought you were feeling something for me but no of course it was always him."
"What are you talking about?"
"NICK!" Luke shouted at me.
I stopped breathing for a moment, everything finally clicking into place about what Luke was talking about. Before I even got a chance to reply to him Luke had slammed down my lyrics on the top of the piano moving around me. He sprinted straight out of the door without saying anything else.
I stood in the silent garage for a moment. I couldn't help falling to the floor cradling my knees to my chest. I finally gave myself some time to cry. I haven't cried this hard since my mum had died. I didn't know why but I felt like everything with Luke had just come crashing down on me. Maybe I should have just listened to Flynn when she tried to tell me that this was something I wanted that was impossible. I looked up from spot on the floor spotting the lyrics just sitting on the piano. I stood straight up grabbing the lyrics. I quickly flipped the sheets over, I spotted the one thing that may be able to fix this.
I need to find Luke.

The Spark: Julie and the Phantoms
FanficA Juke fanfiction. Julie and the boys start navigating their relationships with each other and the life they are now living. Why are they able to hug Julie now? What happens between Julie and Luke? Are the guys becoming lifers or are they still ghos...