Chapter XXII

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As the boys walked down the stairs I quickly tried to catch up to them after talking to Julie. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, something about her always kept a smile on my face. I still had a pang in my stomach for how I acted when I found that song, I really shouldn't have yelled at her. Stupid, stupid Luke. I knew that I needed to apologise to her, I will when we go on our date. As I reached the end of the stairs I noticed Reggie and Alex had walked to the kitchen, obviously telling him that we were going to be out in the garage.

"Night Mr Molina." I called out to him as I opened the front door waving the doors to come with me.

"Night guys, and remember it's Ray!" He shouted back with a subtle laugh.

I walked out the door while the boys followed behind, shouting their own goodbyes to Julie's dad. Reggie being the last one to leave shut the door behind him.

"Well that was an eventful night," Alex commented.

"Definitely." I answered by turning back to look at him.

As we walked towards the garage there was an excitement, fear and hopefulness all at the same time. As I reached the door first I flung them open and beelined to flop down on the couch. The guys made their way in taking their usual spots sitting around the coffee table after they had shut the doors.

"Well that was definitely an interesting night." I spoke up when we all got comfortable.

"Yeah sure was," Reggie spoke up while looking over at Alex with a wide smile.

"Oh yeah definitely," Alex replied, moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that Ray and Carlos can see us now. I wonder if other people can see us now?" I questioned, ignoring their usual odd behaviour.

"Yeah we can't believe a lot of things."

"Yeah Alex I'm wondering a lot of things too."

"What are you guys going on about now?" I asked, getting a feeling of where this was going to go.

"What are we talking about Reggie?" Alex asked with a knowing voice.

Before Reggie could reply I needed to try my hardest to change the topic of conversation. "So what did you guys do today?"

"Well I went to hang out with Ray but he wasn't home so I went down to the beach for a bit." Reggie answered so easily.

"What about you Alex?" I asked.

"Oh...uh I went to see Willie."

"Dude that's so good, how was it seeing him again?"

"Yeah it was good, he's hiding out from Caleb though so he's not having the best time but...uh...yeah...he's good." Alex coughed and stuttered his way through his answer.

"Oh yeah...hmm only good." I sat up smirking, I knew there was more to the story than what he was letting on.

"Yeah it was good." Alex looked down trying not to smile.

"How good?" I asked him trying to find out what really happened.

"He kissed me." Alex shouted out.

Reggie and I sat there completely shell shocked. While we tried to process what happened, definitely wasn't the answer I thought I was going to get. When Reggie and I came back we both jumped up congratulating Alex with hugs and high fives.

"Dude that's amazing. We are so happy for you." Reggie spoke after he finished his hug with Alex.

As we all sat back down Reggie spoke up, "tell us everything, how did it happen?"

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