chapter 3

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Harry grinned over to Liam as he threw his script back down onto the sofa in the trailer he'd commandeered as his own while he was on set. One of the perks of being a lead actor was getting your own space, and Harry was making the most of this already. He'd been desperate to tuck one of his scan pictures into the corner of the mirror like he had at home, but he couldn't risk anyone knowing about his pregnancy yet, so he resisted, leaving it safely in the pages of his diary, tucked deep in his bag.

"You ready, mate?" Liam called, and Harry replied he was, finally stepping out of the little changing area. "Shit, I forgot you got sized for this months ago. Uh, we're going to have to take you to costume, get them to look at it."

"Is it obvious?" Harry frowned, looking down at the period costume he was wearing. He ran his hands over the ever-so-slight swell of his tummy, surprised Liam could see anything as he certainly didn't feel outwardly pregnant just yet. "I didn't think so?"

"Trust me, mate," Liam muttered, opening the door to the trailer. "Just say you've been eating crap, they'll understand, let it out a bit."

Harry just followed Liam as he always, trusting his manager's decisions implicitly. Aside from his family, Liam was still the only one who knew about Harry's baby, and had suffered many evenings on Harry's sofa while he'd waxed lyrical from the pregnancy book Anne had bought him, sharing every detail he could about his unborn child. He stepped inside the costume trailer, pleased to see it was just Jill, one of the older ladies in there.

"I'll be back in a bit," Liam said as his phone rang, slipping out of the door. "Liam Payne speaking..."

"Hello, my lovely, don't you look handsome?" Jill crowed, giving Harry a quick hug. They'd worked together a few times on sets before, and Harry loved when he got to work with a familiar face. "What can I do for you, sweetheart?"

"Uh, I've put on a little weight, Liam said I need to let the costume out a bit?" he said, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the admittance. Jill just chuckled before she wandered over to her sewing trolley, picking up a tape and some pins before she knelt in front of Harry, peering up at him over the top of her large framed glasses.

"Right then, untuck your shirt and I'll take a few measurements and see what I can do."

Harry did so, not really thinking about his bump, and he flapped the fabric out before he slipped open the clasp of his trousers, grateful for the release it gave him around his tummy. He let out a long sigh, and Jill chuckled, opening a notebook on the floor, a pencil tucked behind her ear as it always was.

"Won't keep you a tick, hold your shirt up. Let me just..." she scribbled something and looked up, gasping as she saw Harry's bared stomach for the first time. "Oh, Harry..."

Harry looked down, biting his lip as he realised what she'd seen. Where before there had been a flat belly, there was now a bump he most definitely couldn't pass off as one too many tubes of pringles. He hurriedly pulled his shirt back down but it was too late. Jill took his hands away and lifted the shirt again, pressing her palm against his belly.

"Love, are you..."

"No-" he blurted out, trying to wriggle away from her touch, frantically grabbing at the edge of his shirt to cover himself up again. "No, I just, I had a big dinner, and I just- shit-"

Harry felt the all too familiar sting of tears as he realised he'd been caught out, that Jill had seen his bump, and that she knew exactly what it was.

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