chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Chapter Text

3 years later

“Where Papa?”

Louis held on tightly to his daughter as she wriggled around on his lap, the buggy driving them around the huge film set as they sought out Harry. He’d been in America filming for a new movie for a couple of weeks now, and Louis had been juggling work with looking after Quinn to the point of exhaustion. Thank god his Mum and Anne had stepped up to help, as he wasn’t sure how he’d have coped without them. Now though, Quinn was desperate to see her Papa, and Harry had bought them both plane tickets out there for a week.

“Well, that’s where we’re going, lovely, to find Papa,” Louis soothed, knowing how impatient the little girl was now. His arms stayed tight around her waist as she flipped her head to look out the other side, one of her bunches smacking in the face as she did so. “Ouch!”

“Oh no, I sorry Daddy! Love you,” she said, grabbing his face and landing a kiss on his cheek. “Papa here yet?”

“Soon,” Louis said, trying to stay as patient as he could as the buggy rounded yet another corner. Someone waved at them to slow down, and Louis leaned in, shushing his daughter. “Now, we have to be quiet here, okay? Papa is working. You need to stay with me and hold my hand. Can you do that for me?”

“I be good,” she said solemnly, nodding her little head, hair bouncing as she did so. Louis wasn’t quite the hairstyle guru that Harry was, but he could put Quinn’s hair into bunches when he had to. “I see Papa?”

“Yes, love, you see Papa now,” Louis replied, carefully climbing out of the buggy with Quinn in his arms before he put her on the floor, grabbing her hand. Her little sundress looked pretty on her, something Lottie had bought her a few weeks ago, and her sparkly pink sandals finished off the look. He and Quinn were already drawing some sweet looks from people who worked on the set, and Louis made sure his Access pass was on show so he wouldn’t be stopped as he wandered around. They were both quiet as they paused by a camera, and Quinn turned, grinning up at Louis as she spied Harry.

“It’s Papa!” she whisper shouted, her eyes lighting up, and Louis’ heart skipped a beat as well. Harry looked as handsome as ever, a sight for sore eyes, and Louis longed to just run over and hug and kiss him, cameras be damned. “I see him?”

“In a second, love, he’s acting,” Louis said, picking her up and holding her on his hip so she could see a little better. They both watched in awe as Harry finished out his scene, finally relaxing as the director yelled cut. Quinn wriggled down from Louis and set off at a rate of knots towards Harry.


“Princess!” Harry called, bending down just in time as Quinn crashed into him, little arms wrapping around his neck. Louis started to walk across, half not wanting to interrupt the moment, but needing to see Harry. “Oh god, I’ve missed you so much.”  He kissed her cheek before he set her down, turning his attention to Louis for a second.

“Hi, beautiful,” Louis said softly, cupping Harry’s cheek and kissing him, not caring who was watching.

“Hello, my gorgeous fiancé,” Harry whispered back against Louis’ lips. “It’s so good to see you both.”

”Papa,” Quinn asked, tapping her Papa on the stomach, getting Harry and Louis’ attention. “Who she? Why you hug her? You only hug me and Daddy.”

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