chapter 10

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“You sure you’re ready for this?” Harry asked, wanting to make sure that Louis was okay with what was happening. They were sitting in one of the management offices awaiting the arrival of a journalist Liam had organised for the first interview they were doing together as a couple. Harry had yet to make an official statement about his pregnancy, although his posts on Instagram had left the world no doubt that he was expecting a baby, and now that Louis was his boyfriend. However, Liam told him it would still be best to get their side of things out there and in their own words, so they’d finally gotten around to booking an interview which was to be published two days before Harry’s birthday in just a week’s time.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Louis quipped, squeezing Harry’s hand tightly for a moment. “I just hope I don’t fuck it up and embarrass you at all. That’s the last thing in the world I want to do.”

“Hey, you won’t,” Harry reassured him, scooting a bit closer, the two wedged together against the arm of the sofa. “Remember, she’s been told to go along with what we want, so if we don’t want something in there, we tell her. We’re paying her enough to make sure this is everything we want, and nothing less.”

“Okay,” Louis mumbled, still a lot quieter than he usually was. He’d worked a late shift the night before, and had come back to Harry’s flat, tumbling into bed utterly exhausted, and Harry had hated dragging him from his sleep to get to this interview. Still, Louis looked beautiful as ever, even though the couple weren’t being photographed. Liam had arranged a photographer to come to their flat a couple of days ago, and they’d had a nice photo taken of the pair of them, Louis’ hand proudly on Harry’s bump as they smiled at each other. “I just… this is the first time I’m really going to be putting myself out there. It’s nerve-wracking. You’re used to all this.”

Harry sighed, nodding his head. He knew Louis had been nervous about this, and despite the fact both himself and Liam had coached him through the questions that they’d put forward, he had a fear of making a fool of himself. It was exactly the reason Harry had put off doing a television interview, figuring Louis would be slightly more comfortable with something in print, where they could retract their answers if they needed to. Liam was also going to get through a copy of the article before it went to print too, so Harry and Louis could give their approval first.

“It’ll be okay-”

There was a knock at the door, and they both looked up to see a woman shuffling in, a heavy looking bag hanging from her arm as she smiled slightly at the two.

“So sorry I’m late, my Uber was late, and then the babysitter rang to say my little ‘un has thrown up-”

“Oh, do you need to leave?” Louis said, cutting the woman off. “We can totally reschedule if you need to-”

“No, it’s fine. My husband’s going home to deal with it. He’ll keep him alive until I get home, I’m sure.”

Louis chuckled at that, and Harry loved how quickly Louis had jumped in, happy to put this off in favour of a mum getting home to be with her child. They sat quietly as she rifled around in her bag, producing a digital recorder which she sat on the table, and a notebook and fluffy pen.

“Okay, I’m ready if you both are?” 

She looked up to see them nod, and started the interview.

“Right, let’s get introductions out of the way, shall we? I’m Lisa Bakewell, I work for Fabulous Magazine, and I’m here because I’ve worked with lots of Liam Payne’s clients before, and he asked if I’d do this for him. I’m really hoping it’s all going to go well, but please feel free to stop me at any time, or to change any questions you aren’t happy with.”

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