chapter 12

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“Please, Louis. You won’t hurt me, or the baby. I just need to get this baby out of me, and I read online that sex is a really good way to get labour going. Something to do with your magic sperm…”

Louis scoffed, shaking his head. 

“No, I’m not shagging you, Haz. You’re forty one weeks pregnant, and you can hardly move. I’m not even sure if we could do it even if I wanted to…”

“Oh right. Who’d want to fuck the whale, right?” Harry retorted, and Louis just rolled his eyes, turning back to the sandwich he was making his grumpy and extremely fed up boyfriend. The forty week mark had been and gone a week ago, and the excitement had most definitely waned along with it. Harry woke up each day proclaiming that he could feel it was going to happen today to no avail, and Louis was beginning to wonder if he’d end up being taken into hospital and induced if things didn't start moving naturally within the next few days.

“You’re not a whale, stop it. She’ll come when she’s good and ready,” Louis said, setting down Harry’s sandwich in front of him. “What do you want to drink, love?”

“Smoothie, please,” Harry asked, polite as ever, his previous pouting of just a few moments ago already forgotten. His emotions were all over the place at the moment, and Louis felt like he was treading on eggshells, not knowing which Harry he’d be dealing with from minute to minute. Louis nodded and bent down, brushing his lips against Harry’s for a moment before he walked through to the kitchen, grabbing the jug of smoothie Harry had made the other day, pouring a glass full and popping a pink stripy straw inside it.

“Here you go, love,” he said, and Harry grinned before he took the straw between his lips, sucking as he peered up at Louis, a slight smirk evident on his face. “Enough, Haz. I’m not fucking you today, so you can flirt all you want… it’s not happening.”


Harry huffed and folded his arms across his chest, almost resting on the swell of his baby bump, which seemed bigger than ever. Louis knew he was uncomfortable and wished there was something he could do to help, but right now, it was a case of waiting and hoping labour would start before any kind of intervention was needed.

“So no twinges or anything?”

“A few,” Harry shrugged, still sipping daintily on his smoothie. “Nothing that feels remotely like a contraction though. Why is this taking so long, Lou?”

“Well, you made such a good home for her in there, darling, she’s quite happy staying put. Remember, Holly at the hospital said you have another two days or so before they want to see you, so there’s still time for things to get moving on their own.”

“I’m really not that lucky,” Harry whined, and Louis just smiled at him, trying not to react. He knew buying into Harry's whinging would only make him do it more, and it really wasn’t helping anyone. Louis was still working as much as he could, making sure someone was staying with Harry whenever he wasn’t home. He’d tried to take time off but Harry had asked him to save it for when the baby was born, telling Louis he had no idea what to do with a newborn and that he’d probably hold her upside down or drop her on her head if Louis wasn’t around. Louis had laughed too hard at that until Harry had got upset, thinking Louis was mocking his incompetence, and it had ended in yet more tears from Harry until Louis had calmed him down. The flat was a hot bed of emotion, and Louis felt guilty that sometimes, he enjoyed the escape that work gave him for those few hours, passing Harry over to his Mum, his sister or Liam.

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