chapter 9

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Louis rubbed at the front of his forehead, his headache setting in properly now. He knew the cause of it, and was cursing his carelessness, certain he knew better since this had happened before. He slid his phone out of his pocket and tapped out a text to Harry, hoping he’d get it before he had to leave work to go home and get them himself.

Louis: Hi love, I left my glasses at yours on the bedside table. Any chance you drop them in asap? I’ve got a horrible headache. X

He smiled to himself as he thought about Harry getting that text, shuffling around the flat with his bump on display, collecting up Louis’ things for him. Somehow, Harry’s flat had been feeling more and more like home lately, and Louis honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent a night in his own flat with Niall. It was now mid-January, and since he and Harry had slept together at Christmas, they’d become even closer, although nothing in their relationship had really progressed, apart from Louis staying over every night, albeit in Harry’s bed. 

“Louis, are you free?”

“Yeah, I am, did you need a hand?”

“Please. I need to do a blood draw on a little one and I know you’ve got the magic touch.”

Louis smirked to himself at that, loving the reputation he had amongst his colleagues for being good at his job.

“Hello, sweetheart,” Louis said as he walked into the room, smiling softly at the little boy on his dad’s lap, crying and sweaty. “Alright Dad, did you want me to take him, or are you wanting Linda here to hold him?”

“I think I’ll be okay,” the man started, looking a bit nervous as Louis prepared everything he needed. “My wife had to step outside… she doesn’t like needles.”

“Not a problem, we see it all the time.” Louis put on his gloves, but no matter what he said, the boy didn't calm down. In fact, he was becoming more distressed, and Louis decided on a different cause of action. “Right, little man, I’ve got something special for you,” he said now, pulling the gloves back off. “Want to come and see what I’ve got?”

The little boy, Ryan, shook his head, and Louis nodded, understanding he didn't want to leave his dad. Instead, Louis dashed off and soon came back with what he needed.

“Okay, so I get you’re a little worried about the needle. But this magic cream-” he said, brandishing a little tube, “-means you won’t feel a thing. I need to pop it here, on your arm, under a plaster for about an hour, then it means your arm won’t feel a single thing! Do you want to try?”

Ryan looked at his dad, who grinned and nodded, and he slowly held out his arm to Louis, watching as he applied the cream in a generous layer to the boys soft skin. He then held up the plaster, showing Ryan how he’d put it on before he did so, leaving Ryan and dad in peace, promising to be back. He was glad Ryan was calm now, it was never nice to see children in distress, especially when they were already poorly. He smiled back at the pair before he drew the curtain back around, giving them some privacy. He checked his phone to see if Harry had replied yet, and it felt a bit strange that he hadn’t, given Harry was usually glued his phone, especially on days like today when he wasn’t filming much on set and would be stuck in his trailer. 


“Sorry, Kel, I got held back with a - what’s wrong?”

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