chapter 11

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Louis looked at the huge pile of gifts he and Harry had just opened, and his heart felt ridiculously full. Everyone had gone to such an effort to buy them something useful for their baby, and he couldn’t believe how generous everyone had been to them. He looked to Harry, who had a beautiful baby scrapbook open on his lap, flicking through the pages and reading the titles printed on there.

“You alright, Lou?” Niall asked, plonking himself next to Louis on the floor. “Growing up, huh?”

“Yeah,” Louis chuckled, glancing around him at his family and friends, and his very pregnant boyfriend who was sitting with his Mum and sister on either side, absolutely glowing. “Just… can’t believe this is my life, you know? I’m living with my pregnant boyfriend, our baby is due in like two and a half weeks, and... shit, it’s just getting real, you know?”

“But you’re happy?”

“Happier than I’ve ever been,” Louis confirmed, slinging an arm around Niall’s shoulder. “Look at him, though. He’s all pregnant and glowing and gorgeous… how could I not be the happiest man in the world?”

At that point, Harry glanced over and met Louis’ eye, the pair sharing a quick smile across the room. He watched as Harry’s hand drifted down to his bump, probably where their baby girl was kicking madly, as it was typically the time of day when she was more active than not. Louis mouthed ‘love you’ over to Harry who quickly returned it, blowing him a kiss across the room that made Harry dissolve into giggles.

“Go and sit with him, I can see you want to. I wanted to go and find Payno, actually.”

“I need a drink first. I haven’t seen Haz drink in a while, so I’ll grab him one too. You want one?”

“Nah, I’m good, ta.”

Louis stood up and mimed getting a drink to Harry who nodded, and he slipped through the groups of people stood talking. He kissed the back of Lottie’s head as he walked by, smiling at how she was chatting easily with Kate, Harry’s co-star in the movie, and Jill from the costume department, who Harry had been adamant about inviting to their baby shower.

He walked into Harry’s kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out the bottle of orange juice, and whipping himself and Harry up orange juice and lemonades, sticking a stripy straw in each before he turned, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He leaned around the fridge, and bit back a smile as he saw Liam cup Zayn’s cheek, their other hands gently linked between them. He watched as Liam leaned in, brushing his lips quickly against Zayn’s, and he moved away as quietly as he could, not wanting to interrupt them.

He made a beeline for Harry, grinning as Gemma got up to make way for him, and sat down, handing him his drink before they kissed quickly as Harry put the book to one side, adding it to the already huge pile of gifts they’d accumulated.

“Want some gossip?”

“Always,” Harry said eagerly, his eyes lighting up as Louis shuffled so close, their thighs were pressed against each others. He leaned in to whisper into Harry’s ear, moving his hair out of the way as he spoke.

“So… guess who I just saw getting a bit cosy in the kitchen?”

Harry looked around, trying to see who was missing, and Louis knew the moment he realised who it was by how his eyes widened, his jaw dropping slightly.

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