chapter 4

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Louis jumped as the front door to the flat slammed open, and an over-excited Niall barrelled through, red cheeked with the biggest smile on his face.

“What? Have McDonald’s confirmed they’re adding an all day breakfast to their menu?” Louis asked, drawing a snort from his Irish mate who collapsed on the sofa next to him. “Don’t know what else would put that sort of smile on you, mate, so do tell…”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Niall retorted, waggling his eyebrows at Louis as he kicked off his trainers, nudging them under the coffee table. “And did you order Domino’s without me?”

“I did, but that’s not the point right now. I want to know what’s going on.”



“Fuck you.”

“No, fuck you, Ni. Tell me, before I drag it out of you.”

“Fine. But you’re gonna wanna kiss me when I tell you.”

Louis just arched an eyebrow, practically daring Niall to reveal his news now.

“Alright, alright. I may have found out that your baby daddy is filming on the outskirts of the city. And that he’s there more often than not. So you can go and see him.”

As he finished speaking, Niall folded his arms across his chest triumphantly, a smug smile on his face.

“And you’re telling me this why?”

“Erm, because you want to be in your kid’s life? The only way to do this is to speak to Harry, Lou. You two actually have to have a conversation about where this is going to go, how it’s going to work since he’s having your baby.”

“I can’t turn up and ambush him, Niall. He’s going to think I’m some sort of crazy stalker. I need to do this properly, so he can’t use it against me.”

“Oh, fuck that. He let you put it in him, he knows who you are. He also knows that’s your baby inside him, so he’s probably going to want to see you as well. You need to give him a chance.”

Louis sighed. Every avenue he’d gone down in order to find Harry so far had resulted in a dead end, so Niall suddenly revealing that he knew where Harry would be over the next few days felt like a lot. The idea of confronting the man carrying his child felt overwhelming, and if he was honest, he was scared stiff that Harry would just turn him away.

“But Ni… what the hell do I say? ‘Hi Harry, remember me? I’m the guy that fucked you and knocked you up. Wanna raise a baby together?’”

“Well, not quite like that,” Niall laughed back, shaking his head. “I’m sure even you can be a bit more diplomatic. And if you don’t think I’ll be dragging you there kicking and screaming if I have to, you’re sorely mistaken…”

Two days later

Louis threw the bunch of clothes in his arm onto the bed in frustration, certain he had nothing to wear that was going to look good to the father of his child on their first, well, second meeting. Usually, he looked forward to a day off from the hospital, but he’d been in a funk ever since he finished his shift last night, dreading what was going to happen today. As much as he was grateful to Niall for helping him find a way to get in contact with Harry, this almost felt too soon, and Louis still wasn’t sure how this was all going to go down, especially given it was a very public way of going about it. Still, Louis knew he didn't really have any other choice, and he hollered for his friend.

“Zayn, come and help me!”

Footsteps sounded as Zayn clunked his way down the hall in his heavy boots, and appeared in Louis’ doorway, a cigarette hung from his lips.

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